ERF 27th Annual Conference: SDGs and External Shocks in the MENA Region: From Resilience to Change in the Wake of COVID-19

FromMay 17, 2021 To Jun 28, 2021

Online Webinars

ERF annually holds a highly visible conference that concentrates on issues relevant to economic policy in the region. This flagship event draws on the contributions of senior policy makers, high profile academic researchers as well as referred open call papers to promote region-wide and international knowledge and evidence-based development and public policy debates and mentorship of promising researchers.

The ERF Annual Conference, a tradition maintained since 1995, has become the premiere regional event for economists of the Middle East, where new ideas are created and disseminated; where the community of researchers meet and where excellence is celebrated. Established in 1993, ERF was created to build strong research capacity in the region. It was one of the first, if not the only, institutions to connect economic researchers from across the region.

The Arab Fund has been gratefully generously sponsoring the ERF Conference for some 18 years. Thanks to this un-wavered commitment, ERF has been able to successfully deliver against its core mission and continue to convene this flagship event.

This year the conference is held  under the theme of “Sustainable Development Goals and External Shocks in the MENA region: From Resilience to Change in the Wake of COVID-19”. This is a timely topic in the light of the significant political, social and economic transformation in the region.

There will be three main plenary sessions and three special panels, which will feature world-renowned economists, social scientists and policymakers and the results of three major projects recently completed. The conference sessions will feature a larger number of diverse papers across cross-cutting themes selected on the basis of rigorous refereeing process in response to an open call for papers. Following the last special panel, a  closing plenary session will celebrate winners of what has become a regional certificate of excellence: The Best Paper Award. 


Conference Theme

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic represents an unprecedented shock for the world economy. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) described this shock as the “Great Lockdown” that will reduce global GDP by 3% in 2020. In addition to this, oil prices have reached the lowest record in modern history. With the pandemic sweeping across the oil-rich Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, the latter has to face two concomitant shocks. Obviously, the response to these two external shocks cannot be dissociated from the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While several MENA countries were making a relatively good progress in these goals, they will have now to re-organize their priorities and adopt active economic and social policies at both the short and the long-term horizons.

Indeed, given the transformational nature of the current period, the future will chiefly depend on how countries of the region will adjust their policies and strategies, and on how they respond under their respective constraints. Both active stabilization policies (targeting the short term) and structural ones (aiming at changing the structure of economies in the long run) will have to be adopted. Such policies, and consequently research priorities will differ depending on the country characteristics in the MENA region. The latter can be divided into groups of countries with relatively close features: the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, countries with political unrests, countries with internal or external conflicts, and the other middle-income countries. Despite the significant interdependences between their economies, these groups have become more distinct than in the past, and the impact of the shocks is likely to make them diverge even more which requires different policy responses when it comes to SDGs.

More specifically, with the pandemic and lower oil prices, economic growth will be negatively affected, hence poverty rates (SDG1), social protection and inequalities (SDG10), even hunger (SDG2), are likely to increase. This slowdown will also exert a negative impact on demand, production and thus job creation (SDG8 and SDG9). Moreover, with various countries in some kind of lockdown, while many scholars assume that this will be beneficial for the environment at least in the short term (SDG7, SDG13 and SDG14), carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are still at high levels.

At the human capital level, the COVID-19 raised also several questions in terms of education and health. First, at the education one, schools, public and private universities moved to e-learning. It is important to analyze to what extent the long-distance learning is efficient (SDG4) and feasible with limited technological infrastructure in MENA countries. Second, the pandemic has made clear many of the problems facing the countries health care system in particular equipment, trained staff and infrastructure (SDG3).

Therefore, regional and multilateral collaboration (SDG17) is clearly required to curb the negative effects of these shocks. This can be justified by the need to accelerate the development to new COVID-19 diagnostics and vaccines and to help countries overcome its negative effects (such as the rapid financing instrument provided by the IMF). 


Main Questions:

Against this background, and since every crisis brings opportunities, the conference, through plenary sessions and panels, will feature world-renowned economists, social scientists and policymakers in order to discuss the following questions:

1)   For how long and how deep the impact of these unprecedented shocks is going to be? What will be the medium and long run effect, especially with regards to SDGs?

2)   For the post-COVID19 period, how national policies have to be adjusted in order to re-prioritize development goals and make the economies more resilient in the short term and more developed in the long term? How to manage the tradeoff between deeper stabilization as a short-term requirement with optimum resource allocation as a long-term goal? 

3)   At the social level, how will the MENA region combine finance stabilization programs that are often accompanied by targeted short-term relief for a few of the vulnerable people with more systemic long-term solutions?, and, in view of the shrinking fiscal space and looming debt burden, how much support could be expected from the regional and international development communities for MENA and other developing regions?

4)   The underlying issue to all of the above is what will be the emerging role of the state in response to the changing technological and regulatory capacities that are likely to shape the economic policy making in the aftermath of Covid-19?


Plenary 1: A Global Economic System in Turmoil: What is at Stake for the MENA region?




Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 6:00 pm

Register here


While the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a severe economic crisis and recession at the world level, there is a higher-than-usual degree of uncertainty related to recovery. This is particularly more pronounced for the Middle-East and North Africa (MENA) economies that are more dependent on oil exports and have a lower fiscal space. Thus, with decreasing oil prices, these two external shocks are likely to have a deep and long-lasting effect on the MENA countries and will put a halt on their progress in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Therefore, this first plenary session will discuss several questions related to these shocks:

1)   First, for how long and how deep the impact of these unprecedented shocks is going to be? What will be the medium and long run effect, especially with regards to SDGs?

2)   What are the main challenges faced by the MENA region to move forward despite this uncertainty?

3)   How the world will look like in the post-COVID-19 era? What will be the role of MENA region?


Samir Makdisi

Senior Associates

Samir Makdisi

Professor Emeritus of Economics, American University of...

Ibrahim Elbadawi

Research Fellows

Ibrahim Elbadawi

Managing Director, Economic Research Forum

Mahmoud Mohieldin

Senior Associates

Mahmoud Mohieldin

Professor, Department of Economics - Cairo University,...

H.E. Hala Elsaid


H.E. Hala Elsaid

Minister of Planning and Economic Development

Mounir Tabet


Mounir Tabet

Deputy Executive Secretary - Programme, ESCWA

Kamiar Mohaddes

Research Fellows

Kamiar Mohaddes

Macroeconomist, Judge Business School, University of Cambridge



Plenary 2: Social Protection, Inclusion and Inequality: A Pipeline of Policies




Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 6:00 pm

Register here


The adverse impact of the current economic shocks on vulnerable categories is particularly acute. These categories include, but not limited to, poor, women, youth, low-paid jobs, informal and irregular workers and working poor. Thus, both the pandemic and oil prices will not only imperil the significant progress made in reducing extreme poverty and achieving SDGs, but will increase inequality levels that are already surpassing Latin America and other regions in the Global South. Moreover, it is worthy to note that the current economic model adopted by MENA countries is characterized by two main features that amplify their weakness. First, they chiefly rely on services, construction and oil, that have a limited value-added and low potential for job creation. Second, with regard to vulnerable people, stabilization programs are often accompanied by targeted short-term safety nets. As a consequence, this economic model failed: on the one hand to generate sufficient and decent jobs and on the other to have a pipeline of social policies with more comprehensive long-term solutions. 

Hence, this third plenary session will address the following questions.

1)   How Arab governments can change their sectoral specialization to create more decent and less precarious jobs?

2)   At the social level, how will the MENA region combine finance stabilization programs that are often accompanied by targeted short-term relief for a few of the vulnerable people with more systemic long-term policies?

3)   To what extent universal social protection is feasible in the Arab world? How to sustainably finance this universal social protection while most of these economies register high levels of informality?


Noha El-Mikawy

Research Fellows

Noha El-Mikawy

Dean, School of Global Affairs and Public...

Martha Chen


Martha Chen

Lecturer in Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School

H.E. Nivine El Kabbag


H.E. Nivine El Kabbag

Minister of Social Solidarity, Egypt

Mary Kawar

Policy Affiliates

Mary Kawar

Former Minister for Planning, Jordan

Sami Atallah


Sami Atallah

Director, The Policy Initiative

Touhami Abdelkhalek

Research Fellows

Touhami Abdelkhalek

Full Professor, Africa Institute for Research in...



Special Panel 1 – The Impact of COVID-19 on Middle Eastern and North African Labor Markets




Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 6:00 pm

Register here

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to exact a devastating toll on lives, economies, and labor markets in the MENA region. This panel will discuss the results to date of the ERF COVID-19 MENA Monitor Panel Surveys, focusing on how the labor markets of Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Sudan, and Tunisia have evolved from just prior to the pandemic (in February of 2020) through spring of 2021. Topics will include labor force participation, employment and unemployment, layoffs and loss of wages among wage workers, and the impact on farmers, employers, and the self-employed. Analyses will examine the impact on household welfare and income, as well as the reach and targeting of social protection. The panel will discuss implications and recommendations for supporting economic and labor market resilience and eventual recovery.


May Gadallah

Research Fellows

May Gadallah

Associate Professor, Departments of Statistics, Cairo University

Ragui Assaad

Research Fellows

Ragui Assaad

Professor and Freeman Chair for International Economic...

Mohamed Ali Marouani

Research Fellows

Mohamed Ali Marouani

Associate Professor of Economics, Sorbonne University

Caroline Krafft


Caroline Krafft

Associate Professor, Humphrey School of Public Affairs,...



Plenary 3: Political Economy Challenges to Diversification Strategies




Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 6:00 pm

Register here


Panelists will interrogate the possibilities of reforms that increase productivity, create jobs, and allow for a progressive diversification of the economy, in an environment characterized by fiscal tightness and popular unrest. What is the 2020s version of reforms with a human face for the various parts of the MENA region? Can markets but not the polity be liberalized, as in the 1990s? What formulae can be considered in the various political environments, and should they be of the big bang of gradual type?


Masood Ahmed


Masood Ahmed

President, Center for Global Development

Ishac Diwan

Research Fellows

Ishac Diwan

Director of Research, Finance for Development Lab,...

Mustapha Nabli

Senior Associates

Mustapha Nabli

North Africa Bureau of Economic Studies (NABES)

Omar Razzaz


Omar Razzaz

Former Prime Minister, Jordan

Nader Kabbani

Research Fellows

Nader Kabbani

Senior Fellow and Director of Research, Middle...



Special Panel 2 – Conflict and Post Conflict Economic Reconstruction Agenda




Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 6:00 pm

Register here

The future course of the Arab countries in civil conflicts will be defined by the nature of the settlements of their respective conflicts and the conditions thereof. Whatever form these settlements take a major premise of this project is that in today’s world any transformation leading to lasting national peace in Arab countries would be conditional on laying the foundations for inclusive socio-economic development in the context of a genuinely democratic environment. A second premise is that, whatever form the new social contract takes in each Arab country, it would require a massive transformation of the institutional fabric of society –that is, the set of key institutions—that helped create the conditions for an inevitable conflict. Experience has shown that, parliamentary elections, even if free, are not necessarily sufficient to ensure the needed accountability in governance. Institutional reforms should allow for its regular implementation.

Accordingly, the project adopts a two-tier approach whereby it is divided into two parts. Part I presents a general framework that describes the overall socio-economic agenda for the Arab countries recovering from civil conflicts and domestic violence, complemented by two specific dimensions of the conflict question relevant to the Arab region: (1) the effects of horizontal inequality (associated with the grievances-based approach) and its conditionality on oil resources and government spending (associated with the greed-based approach); and (2) the relationship between power‐sharing institutions and post‐conflict trajectories in countries that have experienced civil war and their quest to achieve a new, more stable social contract. Part II is devoted to case studies of four countries in conflict (Syria, Iraq, Libya, and Yemen). Accounting for the analyses of Part I, the case studies explore the causes of the respective conflicts, trace subsequent politico-economic developments, identify major questions and issues faced in the post-conflict phase and identify the major areas of reform that need to be implemented to achieve the objectives of economic reconstruction and national peace.


Samir Makdisi

Senior Associates

Samir Makdisi

Professor Emeritus of Economics, American University of...

Raimundo Soto

Senior Associates

Raimundo Soto

Associate Professor of Economics, Pontificia Universidad Católica...

Ibrahim Elbadawi

Research Fellows

Ibrahim Elbadawi

Managing Director, Economic Research Forum

Nils-Christian Bormann


Nils-Christian Bormann

Professor of International Political Studies, Witten/Herdecke University

Semih Tumen

Research Fellows

Semih Tumen

Professor of Economics, TED University, Turkey

Khalid Abu-Ismail

Policy Affiliates

Khalid Abu-Ismail

Senior Economist, United Nations Economic and Social...

Tilman Brück


Tilman Brück

Founder and Director of ISDC - International...

Nada Mustafa Ali


Nada Mustafa Ali

Assistant Professor, School for Global Inclusion and...

Ahmed Ghoneim

Research Fellows

Ahmed Ghoneim

Professor, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences,...

Ibrahim Saif

Policy Affiliates

Ibrahim Saif

CEO, Jordan Strategy Forum



Special Panel 3 – Digital Transformation and Implications for Growth, Employment, Poverty and Inequality in the Arab Region




Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 6:00 pm

Register here

This session will present and discuss the findings of a new research project undertaken by The Arab Development Portal at the UNDP Regional Bureau for Arab States and the Economic Research Forum (ERF) entitled “Digitalization Transformation and Implications for Growth, Employment, Poverty and Inequality in the Arab Region.” The study examines issues through two complementary lenses. First, it explores how digital transformation affects economic growth and structural transformation through its impact on key sectors of the economy, and what are the opportunities and risks that digital transformation can create for supporting inclusive and sustainable growth, employment generation and poverty reduction? Second, it looks at the impact of digital transformation on human development and human capital accumulation, and what is its potential impact on inequality and poverty? These research questions are assessed by a set of thematic papers and 8 country specific policy briefs, which form the basis of the study. There is also an assessment of the potential effects of the COVID-19 pandemic for accelerating digitalization and the opportunities for growth and employment as well as any vulnerabilities (including vulnerabilities in the gig economy) that can exacerbate inequalities, and discuss policy options for addressing the potential challenges.


Ishac Diwan

Research Fellows

Ishac Diwan

Director of Research, Finance for Development Lab,...

Mustapha Nabli

Senior Associates

Mustapha Nabli

North Africa Bureau of Economic Studies (NABES)

Shahrokh Fardoust

Senior Associates

Shahrokh Fardoust

Research Professor, Global Research Institute, College of...

Paola Pagliani


Paola Pagliani

Regional Programme Coordinator, UNDP



The Future of ODA – Challenges and Opportunities




Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 6:00 pm

Register here


ODA has become strained given the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic and its aftermath resulting in fiscal retrenchment in many developed countries instilling uncertainties regarding future flows. According to the OECD, the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) financing gap is widening, currently estimated at US$ 2.5 trillion, which reinforces the case to align more global finance in support of the 2030 Agenda. It is hence pivotal to assess the changes in the strategic direction of development cooperation and explore the prospects and challenges of the role and use of ODA financing on the international level. ODA stands out from the other sources of finance in that its direct objective is to support economic, social and environmental development, thus directly linking to the SDGs.

While the COVID-19 pandemic posed serious challenges towards achieving the sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Egypt was not derailed. In 2020, the Ministry of International Cooperation secured $9.8 billion in development financing to meet targets by 2030, with $3.1 billion mobilized to support the private sector.


Rania Al-Mashat

Research Fellows

Rania Al-Mashat

Minister of Planning, Economic Development and International...

Erik Berglof


Erik Berglof

Chief Economist of the Asian Infrastructure Investment...



Best Paper Award




Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 6:00 pm

A long-standing tradition, ERF has been keen to celebrate success and outstanding performance. Every year, referees select outstanding papers to recognize in the final conference session. The 27th Annual Conference attracted more than 150 submissions, of which about one third were finally selected for presentation at the ERF conference as featured in 21 webinars held in May – June 2021 across some 10 thematic tracks. These papers were subject to a two staged rigorous refereeing process.  This year five papers were selected and will be recognized ‘live’ on Wednesday 30 June to mark the end of the ERF 27th Annual Conference Webinar Series.

Join us to recognize success and outstanding performers!



Parallel Session on: Economic Growth




Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 5:30 pm


Adeel Malik

Senior Associates

Adeel Malik

Globe Fellow in the Economies of Muslim...

Ayse Yasemin Yalta

Research Fellows

Ayse Yasemin Yalta

Professor, Department of Economics, Hacettepe University, Turkey

Adel Bino

Research Fellows

Adel Bino

Vice-chairman, Jordan Securities Commission

Saeed Tajrishy


Saeed Tajrishy

PhD Candidate, Sharif University


ERF 27th Annual Conference
Capital Flight and the Real Exchange Rate in Resource Scarce MENA Countries

We analyze the determinants of capital flight in three resource scarce MENA countries namely Egypt,... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Economic Entrenchment and Growth Impediments in Jordan

The purpose of this paper is to understand the impediments of corporate growth in Jordan... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
The Externality of Public Housing Projects: The Case of Mehr Housing Project in Iran

Public housing projects are hotly debated especially for their impact on neighboring properties. On the... Read More





Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 5:30 pm


Kabbashi Suliman


Kabbashi Suliman

University of Khartoum

Jala Youssef


Jala Youssef

PhD Candidate in Economics and a Teaching...

Dorothee Boccanfuso

Senior Associates

Dorothee Boccanfuso

Full Professor, Africa Institute for Research in...

Assil El Mahmah


Assil El Mahmah

Economic Advisor, Ministry of Economy and Planning...


ERF 27th Annual Conference
On the Determinants and Outcomes of IMF Loans: A Political Economy Approach

The main objective in this paper is to empirically analyze the economic and political determinants... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Impact of Tax Reforms in Applied Models: Which Functional Forms Should Be Chosen for the Demand System ? Theory and Application for Morocco

When researchers and policymakers conduct impact analyses of economic reforms, especially fiscal reforms, the specification... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Banks’ Performance Amid Oil Price Shocks: Empirical Evidence from GCC Countries, 2002-2017

The paper explores empirically the factors influencing banks’ performances amid oil price fluctuations, using the... Read More





Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 5:00 pm


Meltem Dayioglu Tayfur

Research Fellows

Meltem Dayioglu Tayfur

Professor, Department of Economics, Middle East Technical...

Shireen AlAzzawi

Research Fellows

Shireen AlAzzawi

Teaching Professor, Economics Department, Leavey School of...

Reem Hassan


Reem Hassan

Data Consultant, Pandata in Berlin


ERF 27th Annual Conference
Lives Versus Livelihoods: Who Can Work from Home in MENA?

Since it began in March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the world economy. The... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Between Hope and Despair: Egypt’s Revolution and Migration Intentions

We study the effect of the 2011 Egyptian revolution and its aftermath on migration intentions... Read More





Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 6:00 pm


Belgi Turan

Research Fellows

Belgi Turan

Associate Professor, TOBB University of Economics and...

Houda Boubaker


Houda Boubaker

Assistant Professor, Mediterranean School of Business, South...

Amira El-Shal

Research Associates

Amira El-Shal

Acting Associate Director of Research, J-PAL MENA

Marwan Khawaja


Marwan Khawaja

Chief of the Demographic and Social Statistics...

Hanifa Pilvar


Hanifa Pilvar

PhD student, School of Economics and Finance,...

Mesbah Sharaf

Research Fellows

Mesbah Sharaf

Full Professor, Department of Economics, University of...


ERF 27th Annual Conference
Dynamic Governance of the First Wave of Covid-19 in Tunisia: An Interoperability Analysis

This paper aims to propose an interoperability index of the measures taken and adjusted by... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Policy Responses, Social Norms, and Behavior Change in the Time of COVID-19

Inducing behavior change is a missing factor in the face of emerging viral threats. Beyond... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
High Rate of C-section and Its Consequences for the Timing of Birth

In 2013 in Iran, almost half of all infants were born by caesarian section (c-section)... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Does Maternal Education Curb Female Genital Mutilation? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Egypt

In this study, we exploit a natural experiment, an education policy change reducing compulsory schooling... Read More





Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 5:30 pm


Mouyad Alsamara

Research Fellows

Mouyad Alsamara

Associate Professor of Economics, College of Business...

Thibault Lemaire


Thibault Lemaire

PhD Candidate in Economics, Université Paris 1...

Mohamed Ali Trabelsi


Mohamed Ali Trabelsi

Professor in Quantitative Methods, University of Tunis...

Riadh Ben Jelili

Research Fellows

Riadh Ben Jelili

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of...


ERF 27th Annual Conference
Economic Resilience in Developing Countries: The Role of Democracy in the Face of External Shocks

This paper examines the role of democracy in strengthening the resilience of developing economies in... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
How Does Political Risk Matter for Foreign Direct Investment into Arab Economies?

The present paper extends previous work by Burger et al. (2016) that has attempted to... Read More





Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 5:30 pm


Khalid Abu-Ismail

Policy Affiliates

Khalid Abu-Ismail

Senior Economist, United Nations Economic and Social...

Vladimir Hlasny


Vladimir Hlasny

Economic Affairs Officer, UN Economic and Social...

Siham Matallah

Research Associates

Siham Matallah

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, University of...

Syed Muhammad All-e-Raza Rizvi


Syed Muhammad All-e-Raza Rizvi

PhD student at Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA)

Ibrahim Alnafrah


Ibrahim Alnafrah

Researcher and Lecturer, Faculty of Economics, Damascus...


ERF 27th Annual Conference
Corruption: A Brutal Enemy of Economic Diversification in MENA Oil Exporters

This paper aims, on the one hand, to investigate the impact of corruption on economic... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Economic, Social, and Institutional Determinants of Internal Conflict in Fragile States

In this article, we use Poisson fixed-effect regressions (FEPR) with robust standard errors and instrumental... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Testing the External Shock Narrative of the Conflict on Transition Towards Knowledge Economy in Syria

In the existing literature, several narratives explain the failure of low-income countries in catching-up with... Read More





Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 5:30 pm


Belal Fallah


Belal Fallah

Assistant Professor, Economics at the Department of...

Sarah Mansour


Sarah Mansour

Assistant Professor of Economics at the Faculty...

Onur Altindag

Research Fellows

Onur Altindag

Associate Professor of Economics (with tenure), Bentley...

Ali Fakih

Research Fellows

Ali Fakih

Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Lebanese...


ERF 27th Annual Conference
Unconditional Cash-based Assistance to the Poor: What Do At-scale Programs Achieve?

We study the effects of large, temporary income changes on a wide range of economic... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
The Gender Gap in Political Participation: Evidence from the MENA Region

This paper investigates gender differences in political participation across 10 MENA countries using data extracted... Read More





Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 5:30 pm


Rana Hendy

Research Fellows

Rana Hendy

Assistant Professor of Economics and Director of...

Tanya Savrimootoo


Tanya Savrimootoo

Economist, World Bank’s Education Global Practice

Paul Makdissi

Research Fellows

Paul Makdissi

Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa

Ozan Bakis


Ozan Bakis

Associate Professor of Economics, Bahçeşehir University

Hatem Jemmali

Research Fellows

Hatem Jemmali

Associate Professor, University of Manouba


ERF 27th Annual Conference
The Impact of Twin Shocks on Learning Outcomes and Education Financing in Sudan

The global learning crisis has, rightfully, taken center stage over the past few years, with... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Wage Inequality Dynamics in Turkey

This study aims to examine the evolution of wage inequality in Turkey between 2002 and... Read More





Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 6:00 pm


Atif Kubursi

Research Fellows

Atif Kubursi

Professor, McMaster University

Dina Mandour


Dina Mandour

Assistant Professor, Economics Department at Faculty of...

Ida Mirzaie

Research Fellows

Ida Mirzaie

Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, The Ohio...

Yasmine Abdelfattah


Yasmine Abdelfattah

Assistant Professor of Statistics, School of Business...

Sara Taghvatalab


Sara Taghvatalab

Lecturer of Economics, Christopher Newport University in...

Ollie Ballinger


Ollie Ballinger

Oxford Department for International Development


ERF 27th Annual Conference
COVID-19 and Food Security Challenges in the MENA Region

This paper aims at assessing the link between COVID-19 and FS status with special focus... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Long-term Macroeconomic Effects of Climate Change: Evidence from the MENA Region

This paper focuses on the effect occurring between economic growth and climate change in the... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Rural Electrification and Empowerment of Women in Rural Iran

We estimate the causal impact of electrification on fertility and the gender gap in education,... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Assessing the Impact of Irrigation on Kurdish Separatism in Southeastern Turkey

This paper leverages a large-scale dam construction project in Southeastern Turkey to test the hypothesis... Read More





Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 6:00 pm


Ahmed Ghoneim

Research Fellows

Ahmed Ghoneim

Professor, Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences,...

Asmaa Ezzat


Asmaa Ezzat

Assistant Professor (Lecturer) at the Economics Department...

Nergiz Dincer

Research Fellows

Nergiz Dincer

Professor, Department of Economics and Vice Director,...

Makrem Ben Doudou


Makrem Ben Doudou

Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, University of...

Amal Medini


Amal Medini

PhD Candidate in Economics, University of Tunis

Bernard Hoekman

Senior Associates

Bernard Hoekman

Professor and Director, Global Economics, Robert Schuman...

Ahmet Atil Asici


Ahmet Atil Asici

Associate Professor of Economics, Istanbul Technical University


ERF 27th Annual Conference
On the Political Economy of Trade Agreements: A De Jure and De Facto Analysis of Institutions

This paper examines the effect of the quality of institutions on the membership in trade... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Tunisia’s Trade with Sub-Saharan Africa: Large Room for Growth?

This paper examines Tunisia's trade pattern with Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries. Specifically, it investigates what... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Impact of COVID-19 on Tunisian Imports

The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted the trade flows between countries, revealing the vulnerability related to global... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Potential Effects of the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism on the Turkish Economy

In December 2019, the EU announced the European Green Deal (EGD) whose ultimate target is... Read More





Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 5:30 pm


Mahmoud Haddad

Research Fellows

Mahmoud Haddad

Professor, The University of Tennessee at Martin,...

Thouraya Hadj Amor

Research Fellows

Thouraya Hadj Amor

Assistant Professor, Shaqra University, KSA

Mohamed El Arbi Chaffai

Research Fellows

Mohamed El Arbi Chaffai

Professor of Econometrics, University of Sfax

Mustafa Disli


Mustafa Disli

Assistant Professor at the College of Islamic...


ERF 27th Annual Conference
Banking Market Power and Its Determinants: New Insights from MENA Countries

This paper evaluates the degree and determinants of banks’ market power in 13 MENA countries... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Favoring the Small and the Plenty: Islamic Banking for MSMEs

While MSMEs form the backbone of many countries, most of them suffer from limited access... Read More





Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 5:30 pm


Raimundo Soto

Senior Associates

Raimundo Soto

Associate Professor of Economics, Pontificia Universidad Católica...

Abdurrahman Aydemir

Research Fellows

Abdurrahman Aydemir

Full Professor of Economics, Faculty of Arts...

Sarah El Khishin

Research Associates

Sarah El Khishin

Associate Professor of Economics, British University in...

Essahbi Essaadi

Research Fellows

Essahbi Essaadi

Assistant Professor, University of Manouba, Tunisia


ERF 27th Annual Conference
Indirect Effects of a Large Scale Cash Transfer Program for Refugees

In this paper we estimate the indirect effects of a large-scale cash transfer program. The... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Monetary-Fiscal Policy Interactions During Uncertainty Shocks: Evidence from Egypt

In this paper, we offer the above results for an empirical examination in Egypt; a... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Hedging the Risks of MENA Stock Markets with Gold: Evidence from the Spectral Approach

In this paper, we contribute to the old debate on the dynamic correlation between gold... Read More





Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 5:30 pm


Massoud Karshenas

Research Fellows

Massoud Karshenas

Emeritus Professor of Economics, Department of Economics,...

Björn Nilsson


Björn Nilsson

Assistant Professor, University Paris-Saclay

May Gadallah

Research Fellows

May Gadallah

Associate Professor, Departments of Statistics, Cairo University


ERF 27th Annual Conference
Do Egyptian Labor Unions Have any Bargaining Power?

In this paper, we examine the role of unions in improving workers' outcomes in Egypt,... Read More





Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 5:30 pm


Mahdi Majbouri

Research Fellows

Mahdi Majbouri

Associate Professor, Babson College, Wellesley, MA

Ahmet Ozturk


Ahmet Ozturk

Statistical, Economic, and Social Research and Training...

Mustafa Ulus


Mustafa Ulus

Associate Professor of Economics, Galatasaray University

Ali Souag

Research Associates

Ali Souag

Assistant Professor, University of Mascara, Algeria


ERF 27th Annual Conference
The Effect of Primary School Construction on Later Outcomes

Improving the later outcomes of children through increasing their school attainment is a key policy... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Incentives and Exit Behavior: An Examination of the Unemployment Insurance System in Turkey

We use microdata obtained from the Turkish Employment Agency (ISKUR) to shed light on the... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Impact of Fertility on Female Labor Supply in Algeria

This paper examines the impact of fertility on women's participation in the labor market in... Read More





Online Webinar


From 4:00 pm To 6:00 pm


Ahmet Faruk Aysan

Research Fellows

Ahmet Faruk Aysan

Associate Dean for Research, Hamad Bin Khalifa...

Sam Houdi


Sam Houdi

Civil Servant for the UK government

Samir Ghazouani

Research Fellows

Samir Ghazouani

Full Professor of Econometrics, Business School of...

Samar Abdelmageed


Samar Abdelmageed

Assistant Lecturer, Business Administration Department, Faculty of...

Shawkat Hammoudeh

Research Fellows

Shawkat Hammoudeh

Associate Professor, Department of Economics, Drexel University


ERF 27th Annual Conference
Survival of the Fittest: A Natural Experiment from Crypto Exchanges

This article explores the applicability of universal cryptocurrency exchange by analyzing crypto exchanges of Binance,... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Oil, Monarchies, and Bank Concentration: Evidence from the 2008 Global Financial Crisis

Banking concentration, defined as the proportion of total assets owned by either the three or... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
Financial Integration, Inclusion, and Stability during Crises: Insights from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region

The main objective of this paper is to analyze the interrelationships between financial integration, inclusion,... Read More

ERF 27th Annual Conference
External Debt and Growth in Highly Leveraged MENA Countries When Interest Rates Are Falling

Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, external debt of developing countries and economies... Read More
