Adel Bino
Vice-chairman, Jordan Securities Commission
Dr. Bino was appointed as a commissioner at Jordan Securities Commission in 1st Oct. 2021 and has been appointed as Vice-chairman of Jordan Securities Commission in May, 2023. He is also an associate professor in Finance at The University of Jordan which he joined in 2007. During that period, Dr. Bino held several administrative positions including: Chair of the Department of Finance, Vice-Dean for Administrative Affairs, Director of Financial Funds Unit, and Director of Internal Audit and Control Unit. Also, He held several consulting and administrative positions including: Consultant on Macroeconomic and financial issues for government and private agencies, Member of The Board of Jordan Commercial Facilities Company and Deputy Chairman of Amman Stock Exchange in 2012. Dr. Bino received B.Sc in Accounting from Yarmouk University, MBA/Finance from The University of Jordan, and M.Sc and PhD in Financial Economics from The University of New Orleans (USA) where he had taught courses in economics and finance at the University of New Orleans and the University of Louisiana-Lafayette. Dr. Bino published several research papers in regional and international refereed journals focused on Corporate Governance, Trade Agreements, and Financial Risk Behavior, and presented many research papers at local, regional, and international conferences.
Areas of Interest:
- Corporate Governance
- Financial Assets Price and Behavior
- Macroeconomic Dynamics and Financial Sector Policies
- International Trade Agreements
- Ph.D. in Financial Economics, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2007
- MSc Financial Economics, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2005
- MBA/Finance, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan, 1999
- BSc. in Accounting , Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan, 1993
- Vice-chairman, Jordan Securities Commission, May 2023 - Present
- Member of the Board of Commissioners, Jordan Securities Commission, Oct. 2021 - May 2023
- Associate Professor in Finance, The University of Jordan, Aug, 2007
Latest Publications:
- “Ownership Structure and Agency Costs: Evidence from Insurance Industry”, 2023, coauthored with Mohammad Tayeh and Rafi’ Mustafa, Journal of Economics Finance and Administrative Science, forthcoming.
- “Has the current global financial crisis significantly affected momentum profitability?”, 2021, coauthored with Ahmad Ahmad and Mohammad Tayeh, Cogent Business & Management, 8: 1932238, 1-20.
- “Remittances and Economic Growth in a small and Volatile Economy”, 2019, coauthored with Morad Abdel Halim, International Journal of Business and Economics Research, 8, 1, 31-40.
- “The Role of Capital Expenditures in Economic Growth in Jordan”, 2019, coauthored with Basemah Al-Sharif, International Journal of Business and Economics Research, 8, 2, 69-77.
Economic Entrenchment and Growth Impediments in Jordan
Areas of Interest: Corporate Governance Financial Assets Price and Behavior Macroeconomic Dynamics and Financial Sector Policies International Trade... Read More
May, 2021
ERF 27th Annual ConferenceERF 27th Annual Conference: SDGs and External Shocks in the MENA Region: From Resilience to Change in the Wake of COVID-19
Areas of Interest: Corporate Governance Financial Assets Price and Behavior Macroeconomic Dynamics and Financial Sector Policies International Trade... Read More
May 17, 2021