ERF 27th Annual Conference

Impact of Fertility on Female Labor Supply in Algeria






May, 2021


J. Labor and Demographic Economics

This paper examines the impact of fertility on women's participation in the labor market in Algeria. Using repeated cross-section cross sectional data derived from Algeria Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) 2018-2019 witch is a part from an international survey initiative to monitor the situation of children and women we estimate a Marginal Average Treatment Effect using the method proposed by proposed by Heckman and Vytlacil ( 2001, 2005, 2007b). Our treatment variable is the number of child given by woman. To identify the causal effect, we proposed an empirical approach based on natural experiments and exploits family planning as sources of exogenous variation in the number of children (Bloom et al. (2009), Bailey (2006), (Bailey et al. (2012). Our result suggested that in general the impact on fertility on women labor participation is significant by heterogeneous through the group of age.
Impact of Fertility on Female Labor Supply in Algeria

Research Associates

Ali Souag

Assistant Professor, University of Mascara, Algeria

Impact of Fertility on Female Labor Supply in Algeria

Research Fellows

El Mouhoub Mouhoud

Professor of Economics, Univeristy of Paris Dauphine