The main objective of this paper is to contribute to the limited literature on the returns to vocational education in Egypt. The paper also investigate returns to education among vocational secondary graduates residing in informal urban areas as compared to their formal urban and rural peers. This is particularly important, as recent studies highlighted how young people living in informal urban areas experience different forms of marginalization on the job market due to their place of residence. According to Roushdy et al (2016), 11.0% of young people mentioned that they would not tell a potential employer where they live when applying for a new job due to their fear of being disqualified. Hence, vocational secondary graduates living in informal areas suffer from a double burden: the negative societal view towards vocational education as well as informal areas.

Research Fellows
May Gadallah
Associate Professor, Departments of Statistics, Cairo University

Research Fellows
Rania Roushdy
Associate Professor of Practice, Department of Economics,...