In the Arab World – as much as in other regions – historical events have the potential of producing dividing lines that affect social dynamics for years beyond the triggering events. Being the most significant event in the Arab World in the past decade, we examine how far Arab Spring events have generated a new dividing line in the region that cuts across existing cleavages and whether such division depends on how violent Arab Spring events have been. We examine such question by conducting two lab-in-the-field experiments with subjects from four Arab countries (Syrian refugees in a refugee camp in Jordan, Jordanians, Tunisians and Egyptians). We trace whether subjects exhibit socio-economic behavioural biases depending on their game partner’s views on the Arab Spring. The experimental manipulation is varying the game partner in a dictator game and a trust game, to be a fellow national who has the same or opposing view of the Arab Spring. Our significant results come mainly from our Syrian sample (who witnessed the most violent version of the Arab Spring); playing against a fellow Syrian who is on the other side of the Arab Spring dividing line reduced one’s level of altruism and trust. We find no significant results in the Egyptian, Tunisian, and Jordanian samples.

Engi Amin
Assistant Lecturer, Socio-Computing Department, Faculty of Economics...

Mazen Hassan
Associate Professor of Comparative Politics, Cairo University

Sarah Mansour
Assistant Professor of Economics at the Faculty...

Andreas Nicklisch
Professor for Economics and Statistics, Center for...