Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 in the MENA Region: Labor Market, Firms and Households

FromJul 05, 2022 To Jul 06, 2022

Online Webinar

The impact of the pandemic on jobs and enterprises in the MENA region

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought permanent changes to world economies. It has presented enormous challenges for governments, businesses, workers, and households. Lockdown policies and government efforts to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on lives and livelihoods, as well as the economic impact, have shaped the evolution of the labor market. Millions of workers have been exposed to income losses and layoffs, and the impact has been particularly severe for unprotected workers and the most vulnerable groups in the informal economy, which constitutes a considerable share of economic activity and employment in MENA. In addition, women are among the most affected groups, as they are overrepresented in sectors most exposed to contagion (health and education), and bear a disproportionate burden in care work, with the closure of schools and kindergartens.

To study the impact of the pandemic on employment, small businesses and households, the ERF and the ILO have put in place the COVID-19 MENA Monitor – a series of nationally representative panel phone surveys in Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, and Sudan . Five waves of the survey have been conducted across countries in 2020 and 2021, to track the impact of the pandemic on labor markets. A firm survey targeting private small and medium enterprises (SMEs) also collected data on firms’ activity and responses to the pandemic.

The data collected during the period in Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia, representing 22,139 household observations and 3,978 firm observations, has allowed ERF and ILO to publish summary briefs, presenting for each country and for each wave, the survey findings on key labor market indicators, business activity, and household incomes and coping strategies.

With all the survey waves completed for the five countries covered, ERF and ILO have teamed up to examine labor markets, firms, and households during the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 and 2021, through five analytical research papers focusing on: (1) digital transformation of enterprises in the MENA region; (2) job losses, poverty and food security; (3) the gendered impact of the pandemic on employment and care work; (4) the impact on labor markets; and (5) the impact on formal and informal enterprises. Three country case studies were also produced for Egypt, Tunisia, and Morocco. These contributions are unique for the region in being based on a wealth of direct observations throughout the pandemic and represent important information to allow policy makers devise their recovery strategies.


The long-term challenges to jobs and growth in the MENA region

Pursuing an initiative launched prior to the pandemic, the event will also present the second regional report on Jobs and Growth in the North Africa. The report builds on an extensive effort to collect and harmonize labor market data from and with national statistical offices. In a collaboration between labor economists and macroeconomists, the report further integrates key output growth and macroeconomic indicators, sectoral and structural change dynamics of the region, i.e. the quality of growth, and its nexus with the quantity of jobs created and the quality of these jobs. The second regional report provides an update to the first report with data for the period 2018 to 2021. The analysis is focused on the policy response to the pandemic in North African countries, and the recovery outlook. Complementing official statistics with the additional data collected in the Monitor series, the report sheds light on jobs and income losses during the pandemic and the pace of their recovery, shifts to online and remote work, and access to social assistance programs over the course of the pandemic.


Webinar objectives and setting

The webinar is organized by the Economic Research Forum (ERF) and the International Labor Organization (ILO) with support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). It aims to disseminate the key findings of the 5 research papers on the impact of COVID-19 in selected MENA countries and to open a dialogue between researchers and stakeholders to inform the policy debate on the implications of the shock and associated coping mechanisms.

At a country level, the webinar will also zoom in on the impact of COVID-19 on 3 countries; Morocco, Tunisia and Egypt. Additionally, it will also focus on understanding the relationship between jobs and growth in Morocco during the period 2000-2021 and present the preliminary findings of the second report on jobs and growth in North Africa during the COVID-19 era, to generate feedback and improve the final report.


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The Impact of COVID-19 on Labor Market and Firms in the MENA Region




Online Webinar


From 3:00 pm To 6:00 pm


Ibrahim Elbadawi

Research Fellows

Ibrahim Elbadawi

Managing Director, Economic Research Forum

Eric Oechslin


Eric Oechslin

French Economist, ILO

Ragui Assaad

Research Fellows

Ragui Assaad

Professor and Freeman Chair for International Economic...

Caroline Krafft


Caroline Krafft

Associate Professor, Humphrey School of Public Affairs,...

Mohamed Ali Marouani

Research Fellows

Mohamed Ali Marouani

Associate Professor of Economics, Sorbonne University

Gladys Lopez Acevedo


Gladys Lopez Acevedo

Lead Economist and Global Lead for World...

Adel Ben Youssef

Research Fellows

Adel Ben Youssef

Professor of Economics, University Côte d'Azur

Burim Prenaj


Burim Prenaj

University of Prishtina

May Gadallah

Research Fellows

May Gadallah

Associate Professor, Departments of Statistics, Cairo University

Nehad AboulKomsan


Nehad AboulKomsan

Senior Lawyer and Gender and Development Consultant

Mustapha Nabli

Senior Associates

Mustapha Nabli

North Africa Bureau of Economic Studies (NABES)

Lisa Chauvet


Lisa Chauvet

Professor of Economics, University of Paris 1...

Nesma Ali

Research Associates

Nesma Ali

Economist, Enterprise Analysis Unit, The World Bank...

Bassem Kamar


Bassem Kamar

Chief Economist and Acting Head of Research...

Ebaidalla Mahjoub Ebaidalla

Research Fellows

Ebaidalla Mahjoub Ebaidalla

Assistant Research Professor, Ibn Khaldon Center for...

Mohammed Elhaj Mustafa Ali


Mohammed Elhaj Mustafa Ali

Assistant Professor, University of Kassala

Izak Atiyas

Research Fellows

Izak Atiyas

Associate Professor of Economics, Faculty of Arts...


Working Papers
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Women’s Care Work and Employment in the Middle East and North Africa

The COVID-19 pandemic has been accompanied by widespread child care and school closures. Emerging evidence... Read More

Working Papers
Job Loss during COVID-19: Estimating the Poverty and Food Security Effects in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco

COVID-19 mobility restrictions have disrupted labor markets in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco; thousands of workers... Read More

Working Papers
Are Labor Markets in the Middle East and North Africa Recovering from the COVID-19 Pandemic?

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only led to a health crisis, but also to economic... Read More

Working Papers
Does COVID-19 Pandemic Spur Digital Business Transformation in The MENA Region? Evidence From Firm Level Data

The worldwide precautionary measures adopted to contain the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 imposed a... Read More

Policy Briefs
Employment and Care Work during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Persistent Inequality in the Middle East and North Africa

In a nutshell Although employment rates dropped during the initial lockdown phase of the COVID-19... Read More

Policy Briefs
Which Firms Performed Better in Social Distancing Times?

In a nutshell Restrictions tightening and higher volatility of the stringency index are negatively associated... Read More

Policy Briefs
What Should Be Done to Quicken the Pace of Digital Transformation among Business Firms in the MENA Region?

In a nutshell The worldwide precautionary measures adopted by governments to control the spread of... Read More

Policy Briefs
The Impact of COVID-19 on Jobs, Incomes and Food Security in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco

In a nutshell The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on job and income loss has... Read More




Measuring the Impact of COVID-19 in Selected Countries in North Africa




Online Webinar


From 3:00 pm To 6:00 pm


Mahmoud Haddad

Research Fellows

Mahmoud Haddad

Professor, The University of Tennessee at Martin,...

Saad Belghazi


Saad Belghazi


Ragui Assaad

Research Fellows

Ragui Assaad

Professor and Freeman Chair for International Economic...

Caroline Krafft


Caroline Krafft

Associate Professor, Humphrey School of Public Affairs,...

Valentine Offenloch


Valentine Offenloch

Chief Technical Advisor, ILO’s ADWA’ Project


Policy Research Reports
Egypt COVID-19 Country Case Study

In a nutshell Because of its relatively modest lockdown measures, Egypt’s economy was somewhat less... Read More

Policy Research Reports
Morocco COVID-19 Country Case Study

In a nutshell Morocco undertook relatively stringent lockdown and closure measures in response to the... Read More

Policy Research Reports
Tunisia COVID-19 Country Case Study

In a nutshell At the beginning of the pandemic in spring 2020, Tunisia undertook a... Read More
