Working Papers

ERF Working papers are a quick and efficient way of sharing research work to disseminate knowledge, receive feedback, obtain preliminary recognition, and ultimately, to prepare publications.

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Latest Working Papers

Working Papers

Sudan’s Future between Catastrophic Conflict and Peaceful Renaissance...

In this paper, we evaluate the pass-through of the COVID-19 shock on international... Read More


June, 2024



Working Papers

Education in Sudan: Disparities in Enrollment, Attainment and...

In this paper, we evaluate the pass-through of the COVID-19 shock on international... Read More


May, 2024




I1. Health

I2. Education and Research Institutions

Working Papers

Determinants of Persistently High Fertility in Sudan

In this paper, we evaluate the pass-through of the COVID-19 shock on international... Read More


May, 2024




I2. Education and Research Institutions

J1. Demographic Economics

Working Papers

The Lives and Livelihoods of the Displaced in...

In this paper, we evaluate the pass-through of the COVID-19 shock on international... Read More


May, 2024




F2. International Factor Movements and International Business

J1. Demographic Economics

O1. Economic Development

Working Papers

Gender, Work, and Time Use in the Context...

In this paper, we evaluate the pass-through of the COVID-19 shock on international... Read More


January, 2024




J4. Particular Labor Markets

J2. Demand and Supply of Labor

Full List of Working Papers

Working Papers
Covid-19 Shock: Pass-Through to Consumer Prices in Tunisia

In this paper, we evaluate the pass-through of the COVID-19 shock on international prices and... Read More

Working Papers
The 2020 Covid-19 Pandemic and Foreign Workers’ Income-Consumption Profiles: Accounts from Two Micro-Level Surveys

Applying rich micro-level data for 2013 and 2020, this paper juxtaposes the living conditions and... Read More

Working Papers
Unpacking the Effects of Covid-19 on Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from Turkey

This paper investigates how the pandemic affected the labor market in Turkey, using a unique... Read More

Working Papers
Covid-19, Vulnerability and Policy Response: A CGE Model of Egypt

This paper examines the effect of the COVID-19 shock on the Egyptian economy using a... Read More

Working Papers
Impact of Covid-19 on Tunisian Imports

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly disrupted trade flows between countries, thereby revealing the vulnerability of global... Read More

Working Papers
Firm Closures and Performance in A Time of Pandemic

We use data from the 2020/21 Egyptian Industrial Firm Behavior Survey (EIFBS) to assess the... Read More

Working Papers
Do Egyptian Trade Unions Have Any Bargaining Power?

I contribute to the study of wage determination in the MENA region by studying the... Read More

Working Papers
Fiscal Policy Effectiveness Under Different Debt Regimes: The Case of Egypt

This paper examines the effectiveness of fiscal policy in Egypt under different debt regimes. In... Read More