Mitigation and Adaptation to Impact of Climate Change in MENA Countries
This project is another component of the initiative on “From Fragility to Resilience: Avoiding the Failed State Trap and the Road Ahead for Algeria, Iraq and Sudan”. In a nutshell, this project is concerned with Impact of Climate Change in MENA Countries. The MENA countries are particularly vulnerable to climate change disasters and their consequences given the fragility of their ecosystems, their heavy dependence on natural capital and the environment for survival and prosperity, the limited adaptive capacities of these countries to environmental shocks and the limited preparedness to mitigate these shocks. The physical vulnerability of these countries is particularly severe in low coastal lands (UAE, Egypt, Lebanon), harsh environments (those with large desert areas (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar)), those with fragile ecosystems (almost all of the Arab countries), and water stress problems (all Arab countries with the possible exception of Lebanon). The impacts of climate change translate into significant public and private costs, taken together and across numerous sectors. The exposure and vulnerability of people, physical and natural assets to climate change are dynamic, varying across temporal and spatial scales and are influenced heavily by economic, social, geographic, demographic, cultural, institutional, governance, and environmental factors. Quantifying the economic impacts of climate change is requisite to an informed policy debate regarding the urgency and choice of actions to mitigate the most severe impacts.
ERF acknowledges the generous financial contribution of the International Development Research Center (IDRC) and The Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD).

Atif Kubursi
Professor, McMaster University

Mouez Fodha
Professor, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne

Djamel Kirat
University of Orleans

Chahir Zaki
Chaired Professor of Economics, University of Orléans

Abeer Elshennawy
Professor of Economics, American University in Cairo

Adel Ben Youssef
Professor of Economics, University Côte d'Azur

Hala Abou-Ali
Professor of Economics and Chair of the Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and Political Science (FEPS), Cairo University

Ronia Hawash
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics , Butler University

Yasmine Abdelfattah
Assistant Professor of Statistics, School of Business and Entrepreneurship, Universities of Canada

Hany Abdel-Latif
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Economics, Swansea University, UK

Amal Abdelfattah
Assistant Professor of Statistics, Faculty of Graduate Studies for Statistical Research, Cairo University

Oznur Ozdamar
Full Professor of Economics, Izmir University of Bakırçay

Eleftherios Giovanis
Associate Professor of Economics, Department of International Trade and Business, Izmir Bakircay University

Burhan Can Karahasan
Full Professor in Economics, MEF University, Turkey

Emre Yuksel
PhD candidate, Hacettepe University

Dirk Willenbockel
Research Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies, the University of Sussex

Mehmet Pinar
Professor of Economics, Edge Hill University

Hüseyin Ikizler
Assistant Professor, OSTIM Technical University
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