In a nutshell
- Single mother widowed households in Turkey that receive survivor benefits are more likely to improve their general health and increase household wealth than equivalent households that do not claim the benefits.
- Households who receive the survivor benefits are 22% less poor than those who do not claim the benefits.
- Education history, employment status and age have impacts on poverty: widows who are in old age, low educated and not employed full time are particularly at risk of poverty deprivation and more likely to experience worse health.
- Six out of 10 widows at risk of poverty reported bad health compared, with four out of 10 of those not at risk.
- Social policies, such as survivor benefits, are important for reducing poverty and improving individuals’ well-being and health status.
- Various policy measures can be taken to protect single mother widows, who are uninsured and not eligible for survivor benefits, and their households.

Research Fellows
Oznur Ozdamar
Associate Professor of Economics, Department of Econometrics,...

Eleftherios Giovanis
Associate Professor of Economics, Department of International...