Working Papers

ERF Working papers are a quick and efficient way of sharing research work to disseminate knowledge, receive feedback, obtain preliminary recognition, and ultimately, to prepare publications.

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Latest Working Papers

Working Papers

Sudan’s Future between Catastrophic Conflict and Peaceful Renaissance...

While it is true that the shaky current global economic situation – due... Read More


June, 2024



Working Papers

Education in Sudan: Disparities in Enrollment, Attainment and...

While it is true that the shaky current global economic situation – due... Read More


May, 2024




I1. Health

I2. Education and Research Institutions

Working Papers

Determinants of Persistently High Fertility in Sudan

While it is true that the shaky current global economic situation – due... Read More


May, 2024




I2. Education and Research Institutions

J1. Demographic Economics

Working Papers

The Lives and Livelihoods of the Displaced in...

While it is true that the shaky current global economic situation – due... Read More


May, 2024




F2. International Factor Movements and International Business

J1. Demographic Economics

O1. Economic Development

Working Papers

Gender, Work, and Time Use in the Context...

While it is true that the shaky current global economic situation – due... Read More


January, 2024




J4. Particular Labor Markets

J2. Demand and Supply of Labor

Full List of Working Papers

Working Papers
Stabilization and Adjustment in MENA: The Case of Egypt

While it is true that the shaky current global economic situation – due to the... Read More

Working Papers
Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Stabilization and Growth Agenda for Sudan

Sudan is currently embroiled in high-intensity, catastrophic, and factional military warfare, which is a culmination... Read More

Working Papers
When Formality Is Costly and Informality Is Legal: Social Insurance Design Woes at A Time of Economic Crises

This paper examines the extent to which the institutional framework for social insurance (SI) might... Read More

Working Papers
Social Insurance from A Regional Perspective: Egypt, Jordan and Tunisia

This paper presents a comparative analysis of social insurance systems in Egypt, Jordan, and Tunisia.... Read More

Working Papers
Trade, Food Security and the War in Ukraine: The Cases of Egypt and Sudan

The objective of this paper is to examine the nexus between trade, food security and... Read More

Working Papers
Why Is Social Insurance Coverage Declining in Egypt? A Decomposition Analysis

We analyze in this paper the decline in social insurance coverage in Egypt from 2007... Read More

Working Papers
A No Woman’s Place: Employers’ Discrimination and Hiring Challenges in Less Feminized Sectors in Egypt

There are overt discriminatory views against hiring women in certain sectors in Egypt, concurring with... Read More

Working Papers
Do Employers Discriminate Against Married Women? Evidence from A Field Experiment in Egypt

Do employers discriminate against married women? This research submitted fictitious resumes to online job postings... Read More

Working Papers
Working Conditions in the Paid Care Economy in Egypt: Improvement or Deterioration?

The paid care economy plays a crucial role in employing women. This sector also acts... Read More