Conference Paper


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Conference Paper

The Prospects of the Green Transition in the...

This paper estimates the causal impact of a large-scale public housing construction project,... Read More


March, 2024



Conference Paper

The Role of Institutional Factors in Shaping the...

This paper estimates the causal impact of a large-scale public housing construction project,... Read More


March, 2024



Conference Paper

Natural Resource Volatility and Inclusive Growth in MENA:...

This paper estimates the causal impact of a large-scale public housing construction project,... Read More


March, 2024



Conference Paper

Financial Inclusion and Threshold Effects in Carbon Emissions

This paper estimates the causal impact of a large-scale public housing construction project,... Read More


March, 2024



Conference Paper

A Comprehensive Analysis of the Dynamic Space-time Impacts...

This paper estimates the causal impact of a large-scale public housing construction project,... Read More


March, 2024



Full List of Conference Paper

Conference Paper
Local Employment Effects of Affordable Housing Construction: Evidence from Iran

This paper estimates the causal impact of a large-scale public housing construction project, which is... Read More

Conference Paper
The Impact of Minimum Wage Shock on Robot Adaption in Turkey

In recent years, the use of industrial robots has witnessed a significant surge. While the... Read More

Conference Paper
Agglomeration Economies and Wage Differences: Evidence from Turkey

Cities are growing across the globe, increasing the regional concentration of people and firms. This... Read More

Conference Paper
Understanding Changes in Wage Inequality in Egypt: Evidence from Quantile Analysis

Over the past two decades, Egypt has undergone substantial economic and political transformations that have... Read More

Conference Paper
What Makes Women Want to Leave? Survey Results from Lebanon

Migration aspirations, the hope and ambition to leave the origin country, lie at the heart... Read More

Conference Paper
Maternal Employment and Children’s Development Outcomes: Understanding the Influence of Employment Types

High inequality of opportunities for early childhood development is a major social challenge in the... Read More

Conference Paper
Direct and Indirect Effects of Conflicts on Firms: Evidence from Turkish Transaction Data

In this paper, we adopt a production network approach by using firm-to-firm transaction data available... Read More