Conference Paper

The Financial Structure, Lending capacity and Banks performance in the Emerging Market: Does it Matter?


March, 2021


G. Financial Economics

This study examines the relationship between financial structure, lending capacity and financial performance of banks in the emerging market. It is motivated by a desire to explain the effects of growth of financial resources on lending capacity and performance under medium run analysis approach,2008-2018.The least square regression analysis techniques and correlation were used in this study. The study provides evidence that size and tangibility affect the ROTA. The total debt has an effect on the net interest margin. With respect to the relationship between the lending capacity and banks performance, an effect of tangibility on the ROE was found. The study has policy implications.
The Financial Structure, Lending capacity and Banks performance in the Emerging Market: Does it Matter?

Senior Associates


Sayed Abbas Ahmed

Professor of Accounting and Finance, National University,...