
Connecting People and Ideas... Through its impartial, independent and timely analysis of economic problems on the one hand and a well-established publications process on the other, ERF seeks maximize impact of development research and to inform policy debate and policy discussions. Our portfolio includes a Series of Working Papers and Series of Policy Reports, Policy Briefs and Policy Perspectives.

Latest ERF Publications

Working Papers

Understanding Changes in Wage Inequality in Egypt: Evidence...

This paper investigates the relationship between the main macroeconomic indicators, namely real GDP,... Read More


September, 2024




D6. Welfare Economics

J3. Wages, Compensation, and Labor Costs

I3. Welfare, Well-Being, and Poverty

Policy Research Reports

Gender Equality, Climate Change, and Clean Energy in...

This paper investigates the relationship between the main macroeconomic indicators, namely real GDP,... Read More


September, 2024


PRR 49

Working Papers

The Causality between Financial Inclusion and Inclusive Growth:...

This paper investigates the relationship between the main macroeconomic indicators, namely real GDP,... Read More


September, 2024




C3. Multiple or Simultaneous Equation Models

G2. Financial Institutions and Services

O1. Economic Development

Working Papers

Does Monetary Policy Respond Differently to Oil Price...

This paper investigates the relationship between the main macroeconomic indicators, namely real GDP,... Read More


September, 2024




E3. Prices, Business Fluctuations, and Cycles

E5. Monetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit

Q4. Energy

Working Papers

Explaining The Gender Gap in Access to Traditional...

This paper investigates the relationship between the main macroeconomic indicators, namely real GDP,... Read More


September, 2024



Full List of ERF Publications

Working Papers
Scenario-Based Forecast for Post-Conflict’s Growth in Syria

This paper investigates the relationship between the main macroeconomic indicators, namely real GDP, consumer prices... Read More

Working Papers
Ethnic Divisions and The Onset of Civil Wars in Syria

While most civil wars seem to have an economic basis, they are generally pushed by... Read More

Working Papers
Investigating The Libyan Conflict and Peace-Building Process: Past Causes and Future Prospects

Libya has been in continuous civil conflict with varying intensity since the Arab uprisings in... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
Power Sector Reforms and Technological Change: Evidence from Arab League Members

Power sector reforms have been widely adopted in the turn of the 21st Century, including... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
The Opportunity Cost of Domestic Oil Consumption for an Oil Exporter: Illustration for Saudi Arabia

This paper develops a partial-equilibrium framework to assess the opportunity cost of domestic oil consumption... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
Energy Expenditure in Egypt: Empirical Evidence Based on a Quantile Regression Approach

Reduction in energy consumption at the individual scale leads to a significant reduction in energy... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
Cash Transfers and Consumption of the Poor: Evidence from a Large-scale Program in Iran

How the poor spend their cash transfers and whether such transfers enable them to improve... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
De-industrialisation and Poverty in Turkey

De-industrialisation has emerged as a crucial problem in today’s developing economies, and globalisation and rapid... Read More