Disaster resilience is a protective feature aimed at reducing the effects of natural disaster events and losses resulting from these events. The aim of this study is to propose a disaster resilience index (DRI) for the MENA countries, to facilitate a more comprehensive understanding of disaster resilience in the region. The contributions of the paper to the literature are (i) covering disaster prone countries which are mostly missing in Khan et al. (2022) study, (ii) incorporating the indicators to the index through a systematic examination of indicators in the existing literature, and augmenting the dataset outlined in Khan et al. (2022) by integrating relevant indicators that were previously omitted, (iii) integrating geospatial data on disaster risk from GIS into the DRI, (iv) adding the natural hazard risk index to the DRI, and (v) establishing a correlation between the DRI and economic losses, thereby revealing the efficacy and robustness of the newly developed DRI index developed in this study. There are two stages of the methodology: (i) A novel, systematic and comprehensive disaster resilience index is formed for MENA countries and (ii) The relation between the disaster resilience index and economic losses is visualized. The findings reveal a diverse landscape of disaster resilience in the MENA region, with some countries demonstrating high preparedness and resilience, while others face significant challenges. The classification of the DRI enables a detailed comprehension of the strengths and vulnerabilities of the region concerning its capacity to withstand and recover from disasters. The inclusion of novel dimensions such as geographical resilience and natural hazard risk provides a more holistic perspective for policymakers, practitioners, and researchers.

Ali Ersin Dinçer
Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, Anadolu...

Research Fellows
Nergiz Dincer
Professor, Department of Economics and Vice Director,...

Abdullah Demir
Associate Professor, Abdullah Gul University