Who Pays More: Public, Private, Both or None? The Effects of Health Insurance Schemes and Health Reforms on Out-of-Pocket and Catastrophic Health Expenditures in Turkey
This is the first study which employs and examines various topics on OOPE and catastrophic health expenditures in Turkey. The project examines the relationship between OOPE and catastrophic health expenditures with the health insurance coverage, access to health care and possible barriers as distance to health centers in Turkey. In addition, the analysis accounts for socio-economic characteristics of the individual and household, such as education, wealth, marital status and location of the
2 household, like urban and rural areas. This project adds and contributes to the previous literature by trying to answer on the issues discussed above by applying various econometric and quantitative approaches, that have been limited in the previous research studies or they have not been applied before, such as Differences-in-Differences (DID) and SEM framework.
Eleftherios Giovanis
Associate Professor of Economics, Department of International Trade and Business, Izmir Bakircay University
Oznur Ozdamar
Associate Professor of Economics, Department of Econometrics, Izmir Bakircay University