Michael L. Lahr
Distinguished Research Professor, Bloustein School and Director of R/EconTM, Center for Urban Policy Research
Dr. Lahr is Distinguished Research Professor at the Bloustein School and Director of R/EconTM within the Center for Urban Policy Research. R/Econ is current also affiliated with the New Jersey Policy Lab. Dr. Lahr has 40 years of economic modeling experience performing applied regional economic research, of which over 27 years have been with Rutgers. His academic research interests range from regional economic development strategies through the refinement and reformulation of regional economic modeling frameworks to interregional trade and macroeconomic energy and environmental modeling. He has published more than 70 refereed research publications, three books, and more than 100 working papers, government reports, technical reports, book chapters, and research documents. The content of this body of work includes subjects such as real estate and transportation, energy and the environment, the role of development incentives and taxation, poverty and inequality, and the motivations of interstate migration and commuting. Dr. Lahr has organized five international conferences, been editor of four journals, been Vice President of the International Input-Output Association, been elected as both President and Research Fellow of the Southern Regional Science Association, and been acknowledged with lifetime service awards from both the Southern Regional Science Association and the Regional Science Association International. He presently sits on the editorial boards of the journals Sustainability, Papers in Regional Science, Journal of Economic Structures, the Brazilian Review of Regional Studies, and Revista de Economia.