Cyrine Hannafi
Post-Doctoral Researcher, University Paris-Est Créteil
Cyrine Hannafi holds a Ph.D. in Economics and a master's in econometrics from Aix Marseille School of Economics (AMSE). She is currently occupying a post-doctoral position at UPEC - University Paris-Est Créteil working on the non-take up of social benefits in France. Her research experience includes applied econometrics, development economics and migration. During her Ph.D., she has worked on several development economic issues in the developing world mainly on poverty, economic growth and health. Moreover, she has also worked on the Syrian conflict and its local determinants, exploiting regional panel data during the conflict. After completing her Ph.D, she had the opportunity to obtain a fellowship from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs Minnesota, US whose the aim is to bring together young researchers from the Arab world to work on economic vulnerability in the region. In this context, I was working on an individual project on the social and economic integration of the Syrian refugees in Germany and their intention to stay.