Policy Perspectives

The Impact of Non-Tariff Measures: The Experience of MENA Countries




November, 2012


F4. Macroeconomic Aspects of International Trade and Finance

This policy perspective examines why the role of NTMs in explaining trade performance has been devoted increased attention among economists. It argues that this increased attention has been associated with several phenomena including the overall reduction of tariff levels due to the multilateral pressures; unilateral liberalization initiatives of both developed and developing countries; the rising importance of “deep integration” as a necessary element for the success of the proliferating preferential trade agreements (PTAs); as well as the widening scope (in terms of types and numbers) of NTMs in terms of affecting different types of trade.
The Impact of Non-Tariff Measures: The Experience of MENA Countries

Research Fellows

Ahmed Ghoneim

Professor, Economics Department, Faculty of Economics and...