In a nutshell
COVID-19 exerts negative effect on the Jordanian economy, at the macroeconomic level (lower economic growth, more unemployment, less trade) and the microeconomic one (poor, youth, women, informal workers, refugees, and vulnerable populations). This study tackles the impact of COVID-19 on firms’ performance (particularly micro and small enterprises), the social impact of the pandemic, (mainly on vulnerable groups as poor, youth, women, refugees and informally employed) and identifies their respective survival strategies. Poor households, youth, refugees, informal employees, those working in hard-hit sectors and those living in urban areas are more likely to experience the negative drawback of the pandemic on income and food security. Women are the main one to bear the increasing care work responsibilities during lockdown and e-schooling.
Research Fellows
Racha Ramadan
Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Political...
Research Fellows
Chahir Zaki
Chaired Professor of Economics, University of Orléans