Policy Briefs

Policy Briefs are intended to disseminate the results of research by ERF and/or others with a view to informing policy discussions and public debates on issues of relevance to the ERF region.

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Latest Policy Briefs

Policy Briefs

Aid for Trade and Exports in the MENA...

In a nutshell Restrictions tightening and higher volatility of the stringency index are... Read More


June, 2024


PB 129

Policy Briefs

Toward Frontier Macroeconomic Institutions in Support of Green-Energy...

In a nutshell Restrictions tightening and higher volatility of the stringency index are... Read More


March, 2024


PB 128

Policy Briefs

When Trade Agreements Matter for the Environment in...

In a nutshell Restrictions tightening and higher volatility of the stringency index are... Read More


January, 2024


PB 127


Q5. Environmental Economics

F1. Trade

Policy Briefs

Technologies and Innovation in the GCC Energy Sector:...

In a nutshell Restrictions tightening and higher volatility of the stringency index are... Read More


January, 2024


PB 126


O3. Technological Change, Research and Development, Intellectual Property Rights

Q4. Energy

Q3. Nonrenewable Resources and Conservation

Policy Briefs

Lebanon’s Untapped Potential: The Persistent Challenge of High...

In a nutshell Restrictions tightening and higher volatility of the stringency index are... Read More


December, 2023


PB 125


J1. Demographic Economics

O1. Economic Development

Full List of Policy Briefs

Policy Briefs
Which Firms Performed Better in Social Distancing Times?

In a nutshell Restrictions tightening and higher volatility of the stringency index are negatively associated... Read More

Policy Briefs
Employment and Care Work during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Persistent Inequality in the Middle East and North Africa

In a nutshell Although employment rates dropped during the initial lockdown phase of the COVID-19... Read More

Policy Briefs
A Double-Edged Sword: The Impact of Covid-19 on the Environment

In a nutshell: The COVID-19 pandemic represents one of the largest economic shocks to world... Read More

Policy Briefs
Economic Resilience in Morocco During Covid-19

In a nutshell The COVID-19 crisis has heavily impacted the Moroccan economic situation. The travel... Read More

Policy Briefs
Is Covid-19 Driving Up Consumer Prices in Tunisia? Evidence from the Pass-Through of the Covid-19 Shock

In a nutshell: Import unit prices have had a positive and significant pass-through to consumer... Read More

Policy Briefs
The Pandemic and Care Policies: A Good Crisis that Should not Go to Waste

In a nutshell Women’s subjective well-being (SWB) in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Tunisia during the... Read More

Policy Briefs
The Effects of COVID-19 on Labor Market Outcomes in Turkey

In a nutshell We designed and conducted a comprehensive survey representative at national level, HCOVIDA,... Read More

Policy Briefs
COVID-19, Vulnerability, and Policy Response: The Case of Egypt

In a nutshell The economic impacts of COVID-19 vary from country to country based on... Read More