Policy Briefs

Policy Briefs are intended to disseminate the results of research by ERF and/or others with a view to informing policy discussions and public debates on issues of relevance to the ERF region.

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Latest Policy Briefs

Policy Briefs

Aid for Trade and Exports in the MENA...

In a nutshell Aid for Trade (AfT) is found to increase the probability... Read More


June, 2024


PB 129

Policy Briefs

Toward Frontier Macroeconomic Institutions in Support of Green-Energy...

In a nutshell Aid for Trade (AfT) is found to increase the probability... Read More


March, 2024


PB 128

Policy Briefs

When Trade Agreements Matter for the Environment in...

In a nutshell Aid for Trade (AfT) is found to increase the probability... Read More


January, 2024


PB 127


Q5. Environmental Economics

F1. Trade

Policy Briefs

Technologies and Innovation in the GCC Energy Sector:...

In a nutshell Aid for Trade (AfT) is found to increase the probability... Read More


January, 2024


PB 126


O3. Technological Change, Research and Development, Intellectual Property Rights

Q4. Energy

Q3. Nonrenewable Resources and Conservation

Policy Briefs

Lebanon’s Untapped Potential: The Persistent Challenge of High...

In a nutshell Aid for Trade (AfT) is found to increase the probability... Read More


December, 2023


PB 125


J1. Demographic Economics

O1. Economic Development

Full List of Policy Briefs

Policy Briefs
Aid for Trade and Exports in the MENA Region: When Institutions Matter

In a nutshell Aid for Trade (AfT) is found to increase the probability to export... Read More

Policy Briefs
Toward Frontier Macroeconomic Institutions in Support of Green-Energy Transition in GCC Countries

In a nutshell The current macroeconomic framework of GCC countries has served them rather well... Read More

Policy Briefs
When Trade Agreements Matter for the Environment in the MENA Region

In a nutshell A huge decarbonization effort is required to avoid serious consequences of climate... Read More

Policy Briefs
Morocco — Beyond Debt: Sustainable Pathways to Higher Growth

In a nutshell A rising debt scenario poses significant dangers to the Moroccan economy’s long-term... Read More

Policy Briefs
Post-conflict Reconstruction, Stabilization and Growth Agenda for Sudan

In a nutshell   Main Reasons: for a collapsing Sudanese economy in the last 30... Read More

Policy Briefs
Between Costly Formality and Legal Informality: Egypt’s Social Insurance Design Woes

In a nutshell Social insurance (SI) coverage rates have plummeted across the board in Egypt.... Read More

Policy Briefs
Regional Insights into Social Insurance: Egypt, Jordan, and Tunisia

In a nutshell:  The social contracts in Egypt, Jordan, and Tunisia have evolved over time,... Read More