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ERF 17th Annual Conference: Report Plenary Session 1
After the welcome and opening remarks, the ERF 17th Annual Conference took off with its first plenary session, that set the tone of discussion and provided inspiring food for thought that will inform the conversations in rest of the event.... Read More
Opening of the ERF’s 17th Annual Conference
Abdlatif Al-Hamad, the Director General/Chairman of Board of Directors of the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD), welcomed the participants to ERF’s 17th Annual Conference which is dedicated to “Politics and Economic Development”, and expressed his delight at... Read More
Op-Ed: ‘Politics and Economics – Economic Research Forum’s 17th Annual Conference’
At graduate school, admittedly a few decades ago, conventional wisdom had it that economics was about offering policymakers welfare-improving options - the political process and political regimes were a given. However, as time went by, it became increasingly apparent that... Read More
The Post-Revolutionary Economic Prospects of Egypt
Despite reforms in the mid-1970s and early 1990s that helped liberalize its economy, Egypt is still considered as a relatively poor country. The deceptive 5.3% growth rate in 2010 have been made negligible by the unbalanced distribution of wealth and... Read More
ERF 17th Annual Conference to Focus on the Interaction Between Politics, Economic Policies and Development Outcomes
This year’s ERF Annual Conference conference focuses on the politics, economic policies and development outcomes. In light of recent political transformation in the Middle East the topics to be discussed will move beyond the theoretical, bearing new significance. Among those... Read More
“How a Lack of Political Reform Undermined Economic Reform”: The case of Egypt
Over the past decades, the US and EU have been investing in the economic reforms in Egypt, while showing less commitment to promoting political liberalization, believing wrongly that economic reforms would eventually pave the way for political reforms. From the... Read More