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Call for Papers: 4th Annual Central Bank Conference...

Participants of the ERF 17th Annual Conference had today the opportunity to discuss finding of the 2011 World Development Report in the second plenary session of the event. World Bank's Gary Milante presented the audience with a synopsis of the... Read More

Call for papers: IEA-WB Conference Gender Norms and...

Participants of the ERF 17th Annual Conference had today the opportunity to discuss finding of the 2011 World Development Report in the second plenary session of the event. World Bank's Gary Milante presented the audience with a synopsis of the... Read More

Lecture Series  Environmental Economics, IEA

Participants of the ERF 17th Annual Conference had today the opportunity to discuss finding of the 2011 World Development Report in the second plenary session of the event. World Bank's Gary Milante presented the audience with a synopsis of the... Read More


Participants of the ERF 17th Annual Conference had today the opportunity to discuss finding of the 2011 World Development Report in the second plenary session of the event. World Bank's Gary Milante presented the audience with a synopsis of the... Read More

Global Development Awards Competition 2023

Participants of the ERF 17th Annual Conference had today the opportunity to discuss finding of the 2011 World Development Report in the second plenary session of the event. World Bank's Gary Milante presented the audience with a synopsis of the... Read More

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The 2011 World Development Report: Conflict, Security and Development

Participants of the ERF 17th Annual Conference had today the opportunity to discuss finding of the 2011 World Development Report in the second plenary session of the event. World Bank's Gary Milante presented the audience with a synopsis of the... Read More

ERF 17th Annual Conference: Report Plenary Session 2

The second plenary session of the ERF 17th Annual Conference provided participants with three different but equally interesting perspectives addressing the question: Do Institutional Constraints on Policy-makers Work? The session was moderated by Caroline Freund, World Bank Chief Economist for the Middle... Read More

L’économie politique et le développement humain

L’une des sessions parallèles, tenues au cours de la 17ème conférence annuelle, fut consacrée au sujet des Economies Institutionnelles “L’Economie Politique et le Développement Humain”. Hind Hourmat Allah et Brahim El Morchid ont présenté un papier sur « L’économie politique des... Read More

Have Islamic Banks Been More Resistant than Conventional Banks to the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis?

Mahmoud Sami Nabi from the Polytechnic School of Tunis participated in the ERF 17th Annual Conference, where he presented a paper on the resilience of Islamic banks to the financial crisis. According to the findings of his research, before the... Read More

Institutional Development Key to Building Democracy Across Arab Region

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="ERF 17th Annual Conference - Panel Plenary Session 1"][/caption] Lack of democracy has arguably contributed to the lag in major aspects of Arab development, but as the Arab region contemplates its democratic future, on the back... Read More

Hausmann and the ‘Fitness Function’ of Economic and Political Systems

In plenary session I « Democracy (Open Society) and Economic Development: The Politics of Policymaking”, Ricardo Hausmann, Director of the Centre of International Development (CID) & Professor of the Practice of Economic Development at Harvard University, addressed the following question: “Economic... Read More

ERF 17th Annual Conference: Report Plenary Session 1

After the welcome and opening remarks, the ERF 17th Annual Conference took off with its first plenary session, that set the tone of discussion and provided inspiring food for thought that will inform the conversations in rest of the event.... Read More

Opening of the ERF’s 17th Annual Conference

Abdlatif Al-Hamad, the Director General/Chairman of Board of Directors of the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD), welcomed the participants to ERF’s 17th Annual Conference which is dedicated to “Politics and Economic Development”, and expressed his delight at... Read More

Op-Ed: ‘Politics and Economics – Economic Research Forum’s 17th Annual Conference’

At graduate school, admittedly a few decades ago, conventional wisdom had it that economics was about offering policymakers welfare-improving options - the political process and political regimes were a given. However, as time went by, it became increasingly apparent that... Read More


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