Landscape of Formal Social Protection in Jordan
FromSep 27, 2021 To Sep 27, 2021
Online Webinar
Social protection, defined as the set policies and programs designed to reduce and prevent poverty and vulnerability, is a human right. In recent years, the significance of social protection has been increasingly recognized, gaining momentum and has been incorporated into international documents and agendas. In Jordan in particular, there has been an increased attention to social protection floors by the Government. This is evidenced by the development of a National Social Protection Strategy in 2019, in which the government affirmed its commitment to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty and to provide a “social protection floor” in the context of Jordan’s vision for a state of solidarity, production and justice (HKJ, 2019).
The goal of this dialogue is to present and discuss the findings of the draft paper, “From protection to transformation: Understanding the landscape of formal social protection in Jordan”, prepared by Mary Kawar, Zina Nimeh and Tamara Kool. This paper focuses explicitly on social protection contributory and non-contributory programs provided formally by the Jordanian Government. The paper provides an extensive mapping of the available programs and interventions and contextualizes it within the local and regional socio-economic background, before analyzing the gaps and proposing a way forward.
The purpose of the dialogue session is to present the findings of the research paper and hear from experts on social protection issues in Jordan, in order to better understand social protection strengths and challenges in Jordan, and refine future drafts to reflect the knowledge gained from experts within this meeting.
The dialogue will convene for two hours. The format of the consultation will be with the discussants (member of the civil society and from the government), who will introduce the topic and manage the open discussion with the audience.
Landscape of Formal Social Protection in Jordan
Online Webinar
From 3:00 pm To 5:00 pm
Register here!
The purpose of the dialogue session is to present the findings of the research paper and hear from experts on social protection issues in Jordan, in order to better understand social protection strengths and challenges in Jordan, and refine future drafts to reflect the knowledge gained from experts within this meeting.
The dialogue will convene for two hours. The format of the consultation will be with the discussants (member of the civil society and from the government), who will introduce the topic and manage the open discussion with the audience.

Research Fellows
Ragui Assaad
Professor and Freeman Chair for International Economic...

Ahmad Awad
General Director, Phenix Center for Economic and...

Policy Affiliates
Mary Kawar
Former Minister for Planning, Jordan

Research Fellows
Zina S. Nimeh
Associate Professor of Public Policy, United Nations...

Nesreen Barakat
CEO, Jordan Strategy Forum

Hadram Al-Fayez
Head of the Policies and Studies Department...