Call for Papers - Guidelines for Submission
Submission deadline: – June 30, 2019
The organizing committee is pleased to invite the submission of proposals per the outline given. Invitees should be engaged in research on the ERF region (the Arab countries, Iran and Turkey), regardless of their affiliation to ERF. Previously published papers or those accepted for publication may not be submitted.
The authors of accepted papers (one author per paper) will be invited to present and take part in the deliberations of the conference at ERF’s expense.
If the paper is accepted for publication in a refereed journal within two years of the conference, the author(s) will receive an honorarium of $1,000.
In addition, the refereeing committees will make nominations for select most distinguished papers for the Best Paper Award. Winning papers are evaluated on the basis of their contribution to knowledge, rigor and policy relevance.
The Awards will be announced at the Closing Plenary of the conference and each winning paper will receive an extra $1,000. Finally, the editors of ERF’s Middle East Development Journal (MEDJ) will select worthy papers for possible inclusion in the journal, following the journal’s refereeing process.
Conference objectives
The 26th Annual Conference provides a unique opportunity for regional researchers to interact with international peers and with each another. It also provides a venue for the presentation of multiple research papers, both in the plenary and parallel sessions, with stimulating discussions and feedback. In addition, the conference features special events, the presentation of selected research projects and celebrates excellence in research.
Timetable and deadlines
The deadline for submitting paper proposals is June 30, 2019, and selected applicants will be informed by August 15, 2019. Final papers are due by November 21, 2019. January 1, 2020: Notification of acceptance of papers for presentation.
Guidelines for proposals and supporting documents
Paper proposals should not exceed two pages, or 700 words. They should consist of three sections:
- Motivation and Outline: This section should provide a clear statement of the problem at hand, the knowledge gap the paper will address in light of existing literature and how the proposed research will contribute to advancing knowledge about the subject. It should also provide an outline of the final paper.
- Methodology and Analysis: This section should clearly identify the research question, the hypothesis to be tested, and the research methodology that will be employed. It should describe the data that will be used in the analysis, as well as its sources and the time span for each variable. It should describe the analytical technique (case studies and/or econometrics) and explain the rationale for using the selected methodology.
- Policy Implications: Researchers are encouraged to describe preliminary results and policy implications, if possible. If not, they should explain how the findings will contribute to the understanding of the topic under investigation.
- Author(s)’ last and first names, affiliation and position, address, telephone and fax numbers, and email address
- Author(s)’ CV(s) and the most recently published paper, if any
- JEL classification.