Do you stay up nights, thinking of ways to solve a development challenge? If you are a researcher from a developing or transition country, or are working for a NGO that has already demonstrated impact, but is looking for ways to scale up, you may be in luck! Your idea could be the next winner of the Global Development Awards Competition 2016.
Every year, GDN awards upto $US 90,000 worth of grants to research proposals and innovative development projects as part of the Global Development Awards Competition. The deadline for submitting the proposals is 15 January, 2016.
There are two categories of awards:
1. The Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development (ORD) is for original, policy-relevant research proposals by citizens of developing and transition countries on the theme of Education for Development: Quality and Inclusion for Changing Global Human Capital Needs.
First Prize: US$ 30,000; Second Prize: US$ 10,000; Third Prize: US$ 5,000
2. The Japanese Award for Most Innovative Development Project (MIDP) is for current development projects with demonstrated impact that seek to scale up their work through a grant. Projects working on any aspect of development may apply.
First Prize: US$ 30,000; Second Prize: US$ 10,000; Third Prize: US$ 5,000
Winners of the MIDP are also eligible to compete under Japan Social Development Fund for a grant of up to US$ 200,000 for their work.
The Competition, administered by GDN and generously funded by the Government of Japan, will also offer grants and travel expenses to finalists to present their research and development project proposals at GDN’s next conference in Peru in March 2016.
To Apply
• All applications and documents must be submitted electronically on or before the 15th of January 2016. To apply online and for more information, please visit
• Please check the eligibility criteria before applying. Ineligible applications will not be considered.
• For any further queries related to the competition write to us at
Watch what previous Award winners have to say
MIDP 2015 First Prize Winner:
ORD 2015 First Prize Winner: