Yusuf Soner Baskaya
Lecturer in Finance, University of Glasgow
Yusuf Soner Baskaya is a Lecturer at the Adam Smith Business School. In the past, he worked at the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey (CBRT) at different positions, including the General Manager of Communications and Foreign Relations Department and the Deputy General Manager of the Research Department. He served as the Deputy’s Deputy of CBRT during Turkish Presidency of G20 in 2015. The institutions in which he taught include the London School of Economics, Dartmouth College, Brown University, Bilkent University and Middle East Technical University. He has also been LSE Fellow at London School of Economics, Department of Management and Research Fellow at the Bank for International Settlements. He obtained his BA degree in Economics from Bogazici University, MSc in Economics from Middle East Technical University and MA and PhD in Economics from Brown University.