Mounir Sherif
Director of Study, National Social Security Fund
Mounir Sherif is Director of Study at the National Social Security Fund and a senior expert in social protection, in particular with the International Labor Organization for the development of programs to accelerate the social protection coverage to achieve the SDGs by 2030 through the design and implementation of the national social protection base for some countries in French-speaking Africa (Mauritania - study already carried out - for the others - Niger, DRC, Madagascar and Guinea - in progress). He was designated as the General Director of the Center of Research and Social Studies in 2017. He held several management positions at different structures of social security; from 1986 to 1995 at the Old-Age, Survivors' and Disablement Insurance Fund; from 1996 to 1997 et de 2012 à 2017 at the national social security fund; from1998 à 2011 at the center of research and social studies.