Hüseyin Ikizler
Assistant Professor, OSTIM Technical University
Assistant Professor Hüseyin İkizler has a bachelor's degree from Koç University Mathematics-Economics Double Major Program and a master's degree in Economics from Koç University. He received his Ph.D. in Microeconomics from Bilkent University in January 2019 with the thesis title "Essays on Network Formation and Applications". Currently, he has been working as a faculty member (2021-) at OSTIM Technical University, Department of Economics. In addition to his continuing interest in network theory, his current research focuses on labor economics and health economics. He published high-quality journal/conference papers and forthcoming book chapters as a self-author as well as in collaboration with other prestigious authors. Apart from these experiences, he is working as a researcher in the project titled “The Effects of Natural Disasters on the Labor Market: The 2020 Aegean Sea Earthquake Case Affecting the Izmir Region”, which was entitled to be supported within the scope of TÜBİTAK-1001 Scientific and Technological Research Projects Support Program. He is married and has two children.