Emre Yuksel
PhD candidate, Hacettepe University
Emre Yuksel received his MA degree in Economics from San Diego State University in August of 2019 with the thesis title: "Effect of Refugee Influx on Voting Behavior: The Case of Turkey". He is pursuing his academic career as a PhD candidate in Hacettepe University. His current research focuses on labor economics, health economics, economics of crime and population economics. He is currently participating the project called “The effect of excessive concentration of refugees on the natives’ unmet medical examination need in Turkey: Pseudo Panel Analysis 2006-2016” under the “The Micro-Level Analysis of the Impact of Violent Conflict on Lives and Livelihoods in the MENA Region.” funded by Ford Foundation as a researcher. Apart from these experiences, he is working at Presidency of the Republic of Turkey Presidency of Strategy and Budget as a senior economist (2011-). He is married and father of one child.