Andrew Adewale Alola
Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, School of Accounting and Finance, University of Vaasa, Finland
Andrew Adewale Alola (PhD) holds MSc in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science from Eastern Mediterranean University and earned a Ph.D. degree in Economics in the same university after completing his earlier Bachelor degree studies at the University of Ilorin in Nigeria. Dr. Andrew is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Department of Economics, School of Accounting and Finance of University of Vaasa in Finland. Previously, he was a full-time and now on leave of absence from Istanbul Gelisim University as Assistant Professor where he lectured in the undergraduate and postgraduate programs. He is currently affiliated with South Ural State University (Russia) in the Department of Economics and Finance and University of Johannesburg (at the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment) in South Africa both as a Senior Research Fellow. He’s areas of interest include Applied Econometrics, Energy, and Environmental Economics. As such, he has published in top tier journals that include Science of The Total Environment, Journal of cleaner production, International Journal of Energy Research, Energy Policy; Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Sustainable Development, Current Issues in Tourism, and Heliyon among others. In 2020 and 2021, Dr Andrew was named in the Standard University’s Top 2% Global Scientists list in the field of Energy and Environment.