Areas of Interest:
- Globalization
- Competitiveness of territories
- Relocation of activities
- International migration
- Development of countries in the Middle East North Africa region
- AGREGATION des Facultés de Droit, Sciences Economiques et de Gestion pour le recrutement des Professeurs des Universités (Economics) 1994.
- HABILITATION à diriger des recherches - Université de Paris I Sorbonne 1993.
- PH.D. ECONOMICS. "Technical Change and international division of labor” (thesis published : Economica, 1992). University of Paris I – Sorbonne, 1991.
- Professor of Economics, University of Paris-Dauphine-Paris Sciences et Lettres (Laboratoire d’Economie de Dauphine LEDa-DIAL)
- Director of the INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH NETWORK (GDRI) of the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) Development of Euro-Mediterranean Economic Research (DREEM)
- Director of Master of International Affaires University of Paris Dauphine
Latest Publications:
- Dimou M., Mouhoud E.M., Scahffard A. (2019), « The Determinants of Elderly Migration in France », Papers in Regional Science, forthcoming DOI: 10.1111/pirs.12374
- Mouhoud E.M. (2018) « Les frontières visibles et invisibles des migrations internationales » Les frontières, revue Pouvoirs n° 165
Jennequin, H., Miotti, L. & Mouhoud, E. M. (2017). Measurement and anticipation of territorial vulnerability to offshoring risks : An analysis on sectoral data for France. Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics, 497-498, 127-148. p
Bouoiyour J., Miftah A. and Mouhoud E.M. (2016) « Education, male gender preference and migrants’ remittances: Interactions in rural Morocco », Economic Modelling Volume 57, September, Pages 324–331
Impact of Fertility on Female Labor Supply in Algeria
Areas of Interest: Globalization Competitiveness of territories Relocation of activities International migration Development of countries in the Middle... Read More
May, 2021
ERF 27th Annual Conference
For Transregional Research on Private Sector Development, Digitization and Disruptive Technologies
Cronyism and the Future of the Private Sector in Sudan, Algeria, and Ethiopia
Areas of Interest: Globalization Competitiveness of territories Relocation of activities International migration Development of countries in the Middle... Read More
State Business Relations in Algeria, Sudan and Ethiopia
Areas of Interest: Globalization Competitiveness of territories Relocation of activities International migration Development of countries in the Middle... Read More
Mar 11, 2023
Jobs and Growth in North Africa: Webinar Series organized by ERF and ILO
Areas of Interest: Globalization Competitiveness of territories Relocation of activities International migration Development of countries in the Middle... Read More
Jul 05, 2021