Ali Abbas

Ali Abbas

Director General of Sudan Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Ministry of the Cabinet

Ali Mohamed Abbas Ahmed, as one of the experts in the area of demography and population in Sudan, is a holder of B. Sc. in Econometrics and Social Statistics and M. Sc. in Population and Development and has experienced various professional positions throughout his career; with government, UN agencies, academic institutions and NGOs within different positions; technical, programme, management, coordination, research, training and university teaching. The positions he has held; Researcher with Sudan National Population Council, Head of the Population Studies Department at Faculty of Urban Science, Alzaiem Alazhari University, Technical Officer for the 5th Sudan Population and Housing Census with UNFPA, National Consultant for design the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) in Sudan with UNDP/CBS, National Consultant for Design Sectoral and State Strategies for the Development of Statistics (SSDSs/StSDSs) with UNDP/CBS, Manager of the Joint Programme for implementation the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics with UNFPA/UNDP/CBS, Member of the Core Technical Team of the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics with Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Statistical Advisor for Sudan Human Development Report with UNDP and Ministry of Welfare and Social Security, and Lead Researcher with the Technical Team for collection and compilation data for formulation the Regional and Urban Strategic Plans for Blue Nile State. Now Mr. Ali is involving in some research work as he is Principal Investigator for the Research Project "Emigration in Sudan; Drivers and Causes, Khartoum State Case Study" with Economic and Social Research Centre. Also Mr. Ali contributed as Team Member and Data Analysis Consultant for the Research Project titled "Sudanese Labor Migration under the Adverse Economic Situation and the New Saudi Policies towards Migrants and their Dependents" funded by New York University in Abu Dhabi as well as Coordinator for Population Survey and Household Survey of Closed Refugees' Camps in Gadarif State with European and African Centre for Research, Training and Development and GIZ. Also Mr. Ali Abbas has been assigned as a rapporteur of the Technical and Scientific Committee for HABITATAT III in which he contributed in the Networking Event; National Development Projects in Support of Sustainable Urbanization with a presentation 'Urbanization in Sudan with Special Emphasis on Khartoum', and before was the National Coordinator for all in-country preparations for HABITAT II, and a member of the Technical Team for formulation of Sudan’s National Urban Policy. Mr. Ali Abbas is a Coordinator for the Technical Working Team for Harnessing the Demographic Dividend through Investment in Youth and preparation of the National Roadmap for Demographic Dividend, with National Population Council (NPC), as well as a Coordinator for the Technical Working Group for Review and Alignment of ICPD based SDGs indicators. Also Mr. Ali is the Secretary General of Sudanese Population Network. Director General of Sudan Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Ministry of the Cabinet

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