Supporting Research for Arab Development

Building on its overall track record and, especially, its achievements under the ASDI and the successful partnership model between the Arab Fund and the World Bank, the ERF continued its contribution to the challenging process of policy-making and development thinking in the currently prevailing fluid and complex political and economic transformations in the region.

During one of most turbulent beginnings to a decade in recent history; we’ve observed a highly underestimated pandemic takeover, unprecedented economic and financial ramifications as well as unparalleled political and social turmoil. Amidst this instability, the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development in partnership with ERF and the International Development Research Center (IDRC), as well as a few other donors, launched a new program in view of promoting peace-building, social cohesion and shared prosperity in a context of good governance, and enhanced access to knowledge and data to effectively inform the policymaking processes.

More concretely, the program of two years focuses on three main pillars of activity:

I- Open Access Data. Despite the considerable progress made under ASDI, compared to other developing regions, the availability of accessible micro data in the Arab world is still relatively limited. As both the capacity to create a critical mass of the relevant body of knowledge or to promote credible policy dialogue will not be attained without robust and easily accessible data, especially at the micro level, this pillar is of high importance to achieve the overall objectives.

II- Knowledge Creation. The main focus will be devoted for research on themes that were deemed to be of critical importance to the region and would allow the ERF research agenda the flexibility to address emerging issues of importance, at this juncture namely, but not confined to:

III- Policy Dialogue. The Policy Dialogue component aims to inform policy processes based on evidence-based research and independent robust distinguished research expertise. ERF has well established policy platforms, publications and policy portal that allows for effective research outreach and uptake to further maximize the impact of ERF research. Furthermore, ERF is well positioned, to call on its distinguished network affiliates and partners, to effectively address emerging issues and challenges on timely basis by mobilizing ERF researchers to be engaged in the actual policy debates, through production of policy relevant material, including synthesis papers, policy perspectives and policy briefs, as well as participation and contribution to policy debates through policy discussions in several ERF events.


ERF acknowledges the generous financial contribution of the Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development (AFESD).  

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