The Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings are scientific conferences that take place every year in Lindau, Germany. Nobel Laureates convene to meet with outstanding young scientists from all over the world. The aim is to foster interactions between scientists of different generations, cultures and disciplines. The meetings are based on the principle of dialogue and the different sessions are designed to activate the exchange of knowledge, ideas and experience among the Nobel Laureates and young scientists.
The meetings rotate around the three Nobel Prize disciplines of Chemistry, Physics and Physiology and Medicine. An interdisciplinary meeting revolving around all three natural sciences is held every five years. In addition, the Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences is held every three years. More information on the meetings can be found at
The African Academy of Sciences (AAS) in partnership with the Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings and the Foundation Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings will support the participation of early career African scientists in the three Natural Science fields and Economics at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings. Young participants to the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings are recruited from among (1) undergraduate students, (2) masters and doctoral students and (3) young postdoctoral scientists in the natural and economic sciences.
This call is an invitation to young African scientists in the field of Economics to submit their interest in being nominated for the 6th Meeting on Economic Sciences. AAS seeks to nominate candidates from all the five regions of the continent from among (a) most promising scholars in economic sciences and (b) young and highly qualified economists from research institutions.
AAS will identify excellent candidates through a competitive evaluation and review process carried out by a selection committee. These young scientists represent the next generation of leading scientists and researchers. As alumni of the Lindau Meetings, former participants stay connected with each other and become ambassadors of the scientific dialogue fostered by the Lindau Meetings – they form a network of excellence.
AAS will cover the cost of a return air ticket to Lindau and part of their registration fee while the balance of the registration fee, accommodation and meals will be covered by the Lindau Foundation. Funding for the slots available for AAS nominees is limited however and priority will be given to those who have additional travel support (full or partial) from their home institutions or other donor as well as to AAS Affiliates. There will be further guidelines for those who are selected.
Please note that a nomination does not necessarily lead to an invitation to participate in the meeting. The organizing Council for the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings will make the final decision.
Candidates should:
- be below 35 years of age and nationals of an African country
- have an excellent academic track record and have a promising research agenda. Post-docs or early tenure-track scientists should have produced outstanding research papers on relevant subjects.
- receive strong support of their nomination by either their supervisor / head of institution / an AAS Fellow
- be fluent in English and capable of active participation in discussions
- be early career professionals who need not necessarily hold permanent positions
- not have participated in previous Lindau Meetings,
Participants who meet the eligibility criteria must submit the following documents:
a) Application Nomination Form
b) Candidate’s full curriculum vitae including list of publications
c) Letter of recommendation from either the candidate’s supervisor / head of institution / an AAS Fellow.
The letter must be on an official institutional letterhead. Guidelines and application on the letter can be accessed here.
All applications must be submitted to with a copy to on or before December 7, 2016.