Working Papers

Key Long-Term Development Issues in Tunisia




Economic Research Forum (ERF)


October, 1995



Abstract Two opposite views can emerge when analyzing the Tunisian development experience. The first is a view of success and achievements, and the second is a view of a country facing a lot of weaknesses and challenges. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the strategic factors regarding the development of Tunisia in the long run and to make an assessment of the needed reforms. After a structural adjustment period Tunisia has adhered to the Uruguay Agreements and accepted to belong to a Free Trade Area with the European Union (EU). Do these agreements bring new opportunities or more threats to its fragile agricultural and industrial activities? We will argue that the answer will depend on: 1) the true willingness to adjust hence to accept the negative reactions and the costs generated by reforms, and 2) the ability to create the appropriate conditions for growth and to take advantage of dynamic effects. As to static effects, both the Uruguay and the FTA agreements do not seem in favor of Tunisia. Thus, additional actions are necessary mainly regarding more openness towards countries outside the EU. Arabic Abstract:
عند تحليل التجربة التونسية تظهر صورتان متضادتان: الأولى صورة نجاح وانجازات، والثانية صورة دولة تواجه الكثير من نقاط الضعف والتحديات. وتهدف هذه الورقة إلى تحليل العوامل الاستراتيجية المتعلقة بالتنمية فى تونس فى الأجل الطويل، وتقييم الإصلاحات الضرورية. ذلك
Key Long-Term Development Issues in Tunisia

Research Fellows

Mongi Boughzala

Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of Tunis...