The forum – ERF Policy Portal

ERF announces the launch of the forum – a new policy portal to promote research-based policy analysis and commentary by leading economists. The forum - provides a platform for rich and relevant debates amongst researchers, policy makers and development practitioners on economic, social and political challenges and opportunities in the region.   A word from the editors   As co-editors of ‘the forum’, we are pleased to introduce this platform which fills a gap long recognized in the region where quality debates about policy issues are rare. We hope to mobilize the social sciences community—and economists in particular—to be more engaged in the public discussions on critical social, economic and political development policy issues. These policy issues have never been so difficult, complex and challenging.  For that purpose, the links between research and policy need to be strengthened and become more fluid. During the preparation of this launch we benefited from the support, encouragement and contributions of a large number of ERF affiliates and friends. We are very grateful to them. We count on their continued support and contributions as well as that of the whole ERF community and beyond, in the region and outside. The success of this venture will depend critically on their regular engagement and collaboration. We look forward to working with all of you and make this success a reality.   Mustapha K. Nabli and Romesh Vaitilingam.   Visit the forum  
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The Forum

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