Policy Briefs

Towards More Job-Rich Growth: The Case of Tunisia


ERF-ILO Policy Brief No. 3




February, 2023

In a nutshell
  • Several internal and external shocks have worsened the socio-economic situation in Tunisia. Despite the slow recovery, one year after the COVID-19 pandemic, the Tunisian economy is still performing below its potential.
  • The Tunisian labour market is characterized by a high unemployment rate for young people and women, low participation rate; discouragement of youth 1 and low-quality and informal jobs.
  • Timely and adequate reforms are necessary to promote sustained economic growth and boosting better-quality job creation in Tunisia.
  • The implementation of the proposed reforms requires social and political stability and a sustainable trust between the different stakeholders in society.
Towards More Job-Rich Growth: The Case of Tunisia

Research Associates

Khaled Nasri

Researcher, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management...