We estimate the export and import exchange rate pass-through using product-level data from Turkey. We find that the Turkish lira (TRY) exchange rate changes are mostly passed on to TRYprices of exports and imports–and therefore modestly to their FX prices. The rate of average pass-through to TRY-prices is 89 percent for imported goods and 82 percent for exported goods, with no apparent lags in the impact. Pass-through estimates vary from sector to sector and are particularly low for food and agricultural products, falling to the 0.5-0.7 range in that group, while ranging between 0.8-1.0 in other sectors. We argue that the highly-detailed product-level data enable us to estimate the pass-through rates with better reliability and precision than we could by using aggregated time-series data. We also introduce a pooled equation to estimate the difference in the export and import pass-through rates, which is a useful statistic facilitating econometric inference.
Yusuf Emre Akgündüz
Faculty Member, Faculty of Arts and Social...
Emine Meltem Bastan
Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Ufuk Demiroglu
Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey
Research Fellows
Semih Tumen
Professor of Economics, TED University, Turkey