Ibrahim Elbadawi, Raimundo Soto & Chahir Zaki
Assets managed by sovereign wealth funds (SWF) have grown nine-fold since 2002, reaching USD 8 trillion in 2018. Around 80% of these investments correspond to cross-border investments. Pages: 1-23
Equivalence scales and the change in poverty levels across time: Turkish caseBurcay Erus
Equivalence scales are used to adjust household income for household size and composition differences. Pages: 24-34
Causal relationship between current account and financial account: the case of TunisiaHager Farhoud & Lotfi Taleb
The Tunisian economy during the last thirty years suffered from a chronic current account deficit. Pages: 35-56
Does foreign direct investment affect growth in MENA countries? A semi-parametric fixed-effects approachRiadh Ben Jelili
It is often asserted with confidence that foreign direct investment (FDI) is beneficial for economic growth, especially in the host developing economy. Pages: 57-72
Rising inequality and de-democratizationHany Abdel-Latif & Mahmoud El-Gamal
The literature on economic determinants of democratization has identified most importantly the positive effect of economic development and the negative effect of income inequality. Pages: 73-83
Exporting and firm productivity: evidence for Egypt and MoroccoInmaculada Martínez-Zarzoso
This paper investigates the link between exporting and importing activities and firm performance using a rich dataset on Egyptian and Moroccan firms. Pages: 84-100
Trade liberalisation, governance, and the balance of payments: evidence from the Arab Maghreb UnionAbduraawf Hadili, Roman Raab & Jan Wenzelburger
This paper explores the impact of trade liberalisation on the economies of the Arab Maghreb Union (AMU) as they attempt to reform their economies by liberalising trade with other nations in order to promote growth and increase welfare. Pages: 101-130
Invited Papers from 25th Annual ERF Conference
The future of jobs is facing one, maybe two, of the biggest price distortions everLant Pritchett
Discussions of the future of jobs are concerned that technological change will displace labor and particularly jobs. Pages: 131-156
On ideas and economic policy: a survey of MENA economistsRana Hendy & Mahmoud Mohieldin
This paper examines how economic ideas have been shaped throughout history and the influence of these on the formulation of economic policy. Pages: 157-176