Working Papers

Les Technologies De L’information Et De Communication Et Le Développement Durable: Enjeux Et Pratiques Dans Les Pays En Developpement






October, 2020


C3. Multiple or Simultaneous Equation Models

O1. Economic Development

This paper attempts to identify the links between the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and key dimensions of “sustainable development”, with a focus on 19 developing countries (MENA and Africa), by relying on an econometric analysis based on a vector model with error correction and on causality tests over the period 2000-2017. Our results show that in the long term, the impact of the two ICT indicators (info-density and info-use) remains significant although it is uneven between countries at various stages of development. They also show a two-way causal effect between the two ICT indicators and sustainable development which is widely differentiated between the countries in the sample. Our conclusions lead us to think that while in countries with medium or low development index, the time has come to strengthen ICT infrastructure, a new model of ICT use giving more importance to learning is needed in the countries with high development index. (In French).
Les Technologies De L’information Et De Communication Et Le Développement Durable: Enjeux Et Pratiques Dans Les Pays En Developpement


Mohamed Bouhari

Professor of Economics, Faculty of Economics and...