Working Papers

Internal versus International Migration in Egypt: Together or Far Apart




Economic Research Forum


October, 2019


R2. Household Analysis

F2. International Factor Movements and International Business

This paper examines the relationship between internal, international, and return migration in Egypt. Using the Egypt Labor Market Panel Survey (ELMPS), this paper documents the evolution and patterns of internal migration over time. We examine patterns and trends of international and return migration, as well as the characteristics of international and return migrants. We then investigate the relationship between internal and international migration. We find evidence that internal migration has been rather low in Egypt. However, international migration rates have been rather high and prominent across all educational groups. Suggestive evidence indicates that individuals tend to engage in one type of migration only and that few engage in both internal and international migration.
Internal versus International Migration in Egypt: Together or Far Apart


Anda David

Research Officer with the Research and Development...

Internal versus International Migration in Egypt: Together or Far Apart

Research Associates

​Nelly Elmallakh

Economist, World Bank's Office of the Chief...

Internal versus International Migration in Egypt: Together or Far Apart

Research Fellows

Jackline Wahba

Professor of Economics, University of Southampton, UK...