There is substantial inequality in educational achievement in Jordan, but few studies examine its extent and the way forward to reduce inequality and achieve social mobility. This paper attempts to examine the sources and trends of inequality in educational outcomes in Jordan using Household Income and Expenditure Surveys (HIES) from 2008 to 2017. In addition, using the D-index and shapely decomposition, we model the sequential nature of attaining education to give an overall view of the influence of circumstances on child progression through schooling years. We find that inequality is high, especially with respect to transition from basic completion to secondary education and above. Parents’ education, in particular fathers’ education, and family financial resources are considered the main drivers of the inequality in the transition from basic to secondary and tertiary education levels. In the 2017 HIES wave, shapely decomposition shows an increasing gender gap over time where girls have lower completion rates compared to boys.

Research Associates
Reham Rizk
Director of the Egypt Impact Lab, J-PAL...

Nada Rostom
Research Associate, J-PAL Middle East and North...