Policy Briefs

Fiscal Policy, Private Sector Development, and Social Outcomes in an Indebted Arab Country: Balancing Austerity with Pro-Growth Policies in Jordan


PB 114




August, 2023

In a nutshell
  • Jordan’s economic trajectory has been characterized by long stop-go cycles. Real GDP per capita peaked in the early 1980s followed by a precipitous decline in 1992, then peaked again in the early 2010s. It has since declined to levels reached 20 and 40 years ago.
  • These long swings have been associated with an increasing reliance on borrowing and more so on external financing, resulting in an unprecedented level of the debt-to-GDP ratio and a threefold increase in servicing the debt in the last decade.
  • The level of debt doubled during the 2000s, but this went largely unnoticed as the debt-to-GDP ratio was reduced by half due to the high economic growth rates of that decade.
  • The reasons why “the roof was not fixed when the sun was out” reflect political economy considerations and weak macroeconomic management that, as a consequence or intent, have reduced completion and constrained private sector development.
  • Moving forward, in addition to volatile external factors – from geopolitics to interest rates – economic growth and the debt-to-GDP ratio will depend on: long-known and currently acknowledged policies by the government aiming to improve governance; the rationalizing, not necessarily reduction, of public expenditures; the reduction of growing pension liabilities and expansion of the social safety net; the raising of revenues in a non-regressive way; the attraction of investments; the increase of economic and political contestability; and the gaining of social acceptance.
  This policy brief is an output of the project on “Stabilization and Adjustment in MENA”. The project has been managed under the auspices of the Economic Research Forum and Finance for Development Lab (FDL). ERF acknowledges the financial support of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) for this project.
Fiscal Policy, Private Sector Development, and Social Outcomes in an Indebted Arab Country: Balancing Austerity with Pro-Growth Policies in Jordan

Policy Affiliates

Ibrahim Saif

CEO, Jordan Strategy Forum

Fiscal Policy, Private Sector Development, and Social Outcomes in an Indebted Arab Country: Balancing Austerity with Pro-Growth Policies in Jordan


Zafiris Tzannatos

Senior Fellow, Jordan Strategy Forum, Amman and...