ERF 26th Annual Conference


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Latest ERF 26th Annual Conference

ERF 26th Annual Conference

Developing Countries’ Access to International Capital Markets: What...

This paper investigates the interaction between gold, oil prices and Islamic stock market... Read More


September, 2020




G1. General Financial Markets

F3. International Finance

F2. International Factor Movements and International Business

O1. Economic Development

ERF 26th Annual Conference

The Determinants of Tunisia’s Trade Deficit in Recent...

This paper investigates the interaction between gold, oil prices and Islamic stock market... Read More


June, 2020




C2. Single Equation Models

F1. Trade

ERF 26th Annual Conference

The Dynamic Interaction of Exchange Rates and International...

This paper investigates the interaction between gold, oil prices and Islamic stock market... Read More


June, 2020




C3. Multiple or Simultaneous Equation Models

O4. Economic Growth and Aggregate Productivity

F3. International Finance

F1. Trade

ERF 26th Annual Conference

Trade and Exchange Rate Effects: Evidence from Firm-Level...

This paper investigates the interaction between gold, oil prices and Islamic stock market... Read More


June, 2020




F1. Trade

ERF 26th Annual Conference

Long-term Economy-wide Impacts of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance...

This paper investigates the interaction between gold, oil prices and Islamic stock market... Read More


June, 2020




Q. Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics, Environmental and Ecological Economics

Full List of ERF 26th Annual Conference

ERF 26th Annual Conference
The Links between Gold, Oil Prices and Islamic Stock Markets in a Regime Switching Environment

This paper investigates the interaction between gold, oil prices and Islamic stock market for the... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
Effect of English-Medium Instruction on Earnings

The adoption of English-medium instruction in high schools and universities has been controversial in non-English... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
Do Wage Subsidies Alleviate Employment Discrimination Against Women? The Case of Turkey

This paper investigates the employment effects of the employment subsidy programs implemented in Turkey since... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
Power Sector Reforms and Technological Change: Evidence from Arab League Members

Power sector reforms have been widely adopted in the turn of the 21st Century, including... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
The Opportunity Cost of Domestic Oil Consumption for an Oil Exporter: Illustration for Saudi Arabia

This paper develops a partial-equilibrium framework to assess the opportunity cost of domestic oil consumption... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
Energy Expenditure in Egypt: Empirical Evidence Based on a Quantile Regression Approach

Reduction in energy consumption at the individual scale leads to a significant reduction in energy... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
Cash Transfers and Consumption of the Poor: Evidence from a Large-scale Program in Iran

How the poor spend their cash transfers and whether such transfers enable them to improve... Read More