ERF 26th Annual Conference


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Latest ERF 26th Annual Conference

ERF 26th Annual Conference

Developing Countries’ Access to International Capital Markets: What...

Accreditation of healthcare providers has been established in many high income countries and... Read More


September, 2020




G1. General Financial Markets

F3. International Finance

F2. International Factor Movements and International Business

O1. Economic Development

ERF 26th Annual Conference

The Determinants of Tunisia’s Trade Deficit in Recent...

Accreditation of healthcare providers has been established in many high income countries and... Read More


June, 2020




C2. Single Equation Models

F1. Trade

ERF 26th Annual Conference

The Dynamic Interaction of Exchange Rates and International...

Accreditation of healthcare providers has been established in many high income countries and... Read More


June, 2020




C3. Multiple or Simultaneous Equation Models

O4. Economic Growth and Aggregate Productivity

F3. International Finance

F1. Trade

ERF 26th Annual Conference

Trade and Exchange Rate Effects: Evidence from Firm-Level...

Accreditation of healthcare providers has been established in many high income countries and... Read More


June, 2020




F1. Trade

ERF 26th Annual Conference

Long-term Economy-wide Impacts of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance...

Accreditation of healthcare providers has been established in many high income countries and... Read More


June, 2020




Q. Agricultural and Natural Resource Economics, Environmental and Ecological Economics

Full List of ERF 26th Annual Conference

ERF 26th Annual Conference
Accreditation as a Quality-Improving Policy Tool: Family Planning, Maternal Health, and Child Health in Egypt

Accreditation of healthcare providers has been established in many high income countries and some low-... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
Employment Transitions of Youth and Mental Health Implications in Egypt

Youth in Egypt suffer from high rates of non-employment and the widespread use of informal... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
Regulatory Quality and Participation by Small Firms in Public Procurement

This paper investigates the effects of good practices in public procurement on small and medium... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
Phillips in a Revolution: Unemployment and Prices in Early 21st Century Egypt

The relative price Phillips curve hypothesis gives a better account of the dynamics of the... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
Disparities in Cost of Living Changes after a Large-Scale Devaluation: The Case of Egypt 2016

In November 2016 the Egyptian Pound went through a massive devaluation. A jump in prices... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
Product-level Estimates of Exchange Rate Pass-through: Evidence from Turkey

We estimate the export and import exchange rate pass-through using product-level data from Turkey. We... Read More

ERF 26th Annual Conference
Monetary Policy, Oil Stabilization Fund and the Dutch Disease

This paper contributes to the literature on the Dutch disease effect in a small open... Read More