Policy Briefs

Policy Briefs are intended to disseminate the results of research by ERF and/or others with a view to informing policy discussions and public debates on issues of relevance to the ERF region.

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Latest Policy Briefs

Policy Briefs

Aid for Trade and Exports in the MENA...

In a nutshell The quality of education in the MENA region, as measured... Read More


June, 2024


PB 129

Policy Briefs

Toward Frontier Macroeconomic Institutions in Support of Green-Energy...

In a nutshell The quality of education in the MENA region, as measured... Read More


March, 2024


PB 128

Policy Briefs

When Trade Agreements Matter for the Environment in...

In a nutshell The quality of education in the MENA region, as measured... Read More


January, 2024


PB 127


Q5. Environmental Economics

F1. Trade

Policy Briefs

Technologies and Innovation in the GCC Energy Sector:...

In a nutshell The quality of education in the MENA region, as measured... Read More


January, 2024


PB 126


O3. Technological Change, Research and Development, Intellectual Property Rights

Q4. Energy

Q3. Nonrenewable Resources and Conservation

Policy Briefs

Lebanon’s Untapped Potential: The Persistent Challenge of High...

In a nutshell The quality of education in the MENA region, as measured... Read More


December, 2023


PB 125


J1. Demographic Economics

O1. Economic Development

Full List of Policy Briefs

Policy Briefs
Transforming Egypt: Innovation and Diversification as Drivers of Growth

In a nutshell To achieve sustainable development, Egypt needs to achieve structural transformation by actively... Read More

Policy Briefs
Pension Reform: Securing Morocco’s Elderly

In a nutshell Morocco has one of the lowest levels of pension benefits and health... Read More

Policy Briefs
Farmer Access to Formal Credit Institutions in Kassala, East Sudan: Determinants and Possible Ways Forward

In a nutshell Kassala state has abundant agricultural resources in terms of arable land and... Read More

Policy Briefs
Improving Health Status in Turkey: Combating Pollution

In a nutshell According to the statistical analysis conducted based on the Income and Living... Read More

Policy Briefs
Untapping Low Female Labor Force Participation In Egypt: Ending The Marriage Mismatch

In a nutshell Despite significant increases in female educational attainment, Egyptian women’s labor force participation... Read More