Inequality of Opportunity and Inequality of Outcomes in the Arab Region

This project aims to develop a better understanding of the way in which inequality of opportunity translates into inequality of outcome through the behavior of markets for the acquisition and deployment of human capital, specifically in education and skills. To this end, it investigates the link between circumstances—such as family background—and the acquisition of education and skills. It will also examine the role of such institutional arrangements as mandatory basic education, tutoring, tracking of secondary school students into general and technical streams and guaranteed public employment for graduates in enhancing or amplifying inequality of opportunity in the acquisition of human capital. Last June, ERF organized a training workshop in Cairo for 25 young researchers from the region on the measurement of inequality of opportunities and inequality of outcomes in Arab Countries.

Inequality of Opportunity and Inequality of Outcomes in the Arab Region

Ragui Assaad

Professor and Freeman Chair for International Economic Policy, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota

Inequality of Opportunity and Inequality of Outcomes in the Arab Region

Djavad Salehi-Isfahani

Professor, Virginia Tech University