Contribution Density Determinants and Labor Market Effects of Pension Reform in Tunisia

The first objective of this research is to explore the economic impact of three reform scenarios and the different combinations of the three options, with a focus on the impact on growth, employment by skill and age and on intergenerational equity. The idea is to explore, for a given level of financial sustainability in the long run, the outcomes of the different scenarios in terms of the main variables of interest for policymakers. The second issue tackled in this project is the coverage rate evolution, which is an important concern to emerging countries.

Contribution Density Determinants and Labor Market Effects of Pension Reform in Tunisia

Mehdi Ben Braham

Lecturer, Ecole Supérieure des Sciences Economiques de Tunisie

Contribution Density Determinants and Labor Market Effects of Pension Reform in Tunisia

Mohamed Ali Marouani

Associate Professor of Economics, Sorbonne University