Good research is impossible without access to reliable micro data. The Economic Research Forum has always known this and consequently, has invested time, effort and money into doing something about it. ERF is now proud to announce what might be one of its most-far-reaching initiatives yet: the Open Access Micro Data Initiative (OAMDI) for the Arab countries, Iran and Turkey.
OAMDI offers researchers several types of micro data that ERF has collected, harmonized and prepared for dissemination in a convenient automated process. The first phase of the initiative covers 17 Household Income and Expenditure Surveys from 3 Arab countries, 3 Labor Market Panel Surveys from Egypt and Jordan, and a data set on micro and small enterprises from 4 countries. More data sets will be available in the near future.
The initiative, which involved cooperation with several regional statistical agencies, is modeled on the World Bank Open Data initiative. To read more about these data sets or to access them, please visit